
Granting HRA to Employee whose Spouse also Works

Finance, 👁️ 1676

Granting HRA to an employee whose spouse is working in a private organization, the HRA of the spouse shall be taken into account as done in the case where spouse is the employee of any Govt/ semi-Govt. organization.


No. 8012-F(P2)/FA/O/2M/206/17(N.B.). Dated, Howrah, the 27th December, 2018.


In this Department’s Memorandum No. 5839-F(P), dated 09.07.2012, for the words ‘Now, with a view to removing the confusion persisting in the matter the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that Governor is pleased to clarify that as the spirit of the existing provision of the rules goes, in the matter of granting HRA to a State Government employee whose spouse is working in a private organization, where HRA is allowed as a separate element, the HRA of the spouse shall be taken into account as done in the case where spouse is the employee of any Government or semi-Government organization’ please read ‘Now, with a view to clarifying the doubt persisting in the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that Governor is pleased to clarify that as the spirit of the existing provision of the rules goes in the matter of granting HRA to an employee of State Government/ a sponsored/ aided Educational Institution/ Board/ Corporation/ Statutory Body/ Autonomous Body and/ other agencies or other instrumentalities of the State which is/are wholly or substantially owned and/or controlled by the Government, whose spouse is working in a private organization, where HRA is allowed as a separate element, the HRA of the spouse shall be taken into account as done in the case where spouse is the employee of any Government or semi-Government organization’.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 8012-F dated 27.11.2018, Source

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