Public Service Commission, ROPA đī¸ 305
Assistant Masters/ Mistresses in Physical Education in Govt. Schools gets pay under Pay Band-4 of Rs. 9000-40500/- with G.P. Rs. 4800/- under ROPA, 2009 may be classified as Group-A.
School Education Department
Administrative Branch
Government of west Bengal
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91
No. 1335-SED-15099/161/2024-ADMIN Date: 19.09.2024
The undersigned is directed to say that in terms of provision made under WBS(CCA) Rules, 1971 the following classification of services may hereunder are made:-
This is issued with the approval of the higher authority of this Department.
Sd/- Deputy Secretary
To the Govt. of West Bengal