Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-technology
Bikash Bhavan, 6th Floor, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091.
G.O. No. 755-Edn(T)/10M-70/2012 Date: 20.12.2018
In continuation of this Department’s earlier orders regarding the scheme of full free-studentship/ half free-studentship, for students belonging to specific income group, who became eligible for the same, the undersigned has been directed by the Order of the Governor to state that the Governor has been pleased to issue the West Bengal Free-ship Scheme (WBFS) for the Academic Session 2018-19. The scheme of WBFS shall be implemented through on-line mode/ for the Under Graduate Level Engineering & Technology/ Pharmacy/ Architecture programmes conducted by Self-financing Engineering & Technical (including Pharmacy and Architecture) Institutions of this State.
It may be stated that Govt. Engineering & Tech. Colleges of this State shall continue the WBFS in terms of the GO. No. 272-Edn(T)/10M-6/2010 dated 1st July, 2011.
The Guidelines for implementation of the WBFS for the Self-financing Technical Institutions of this State are given hereunder:-
1) Eligibility for students who can apply under WBFS
i) Merit rank in State Level Entrance Examination (WBJEE)/ National Level Entrance Examination (JEE-MAINS)
ii Candidate must be domicile of the West Bengal.
iii) Annual family income of the candidate must not be more than Rs. 2.50 lakh.
iv) Candidates selected under Tuition Free Waiver (TFW) Scheme of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) or West Bengal Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme will not be eligible under this WBFS.
2) Criteria of the Self-financing Private Engineering & Technology/ Pharmacy/ Architecture Colleges to come under the purview of the WBFS
i) Such colleges shall provide Full free-studentship to the same percentage of students as admitted under Management Quota based on the Seat Matrix finalized by the Directorate of Tech. Education, West Bengal.
ii) Colleges charging revised Fee-structure implemented from the academic year 2013-14 onwards, shall provide Half Free-studentship to 10% of admitted students (Registered students).
All other colleges charging old fee-structure shall provide Half free-studentship to at least 5% of the admitted students (Registered students).
3) Implementation methodology of WBFS
For the Academic Session 2018-19
i) Eligible candidates shall submit application through on line mode alongwith requisite documents as soft copies such as Merit Rank, Income Proof, Domicile Certificate, etc.
ii) The Directorate of Technical Education shall prepare a discipline-wise and institution-wise list of selected candidates after screening and verification of the applications.
iii) The selected list of candidates shall be communicated to respective institutions for the grant of WBFS.
iv) While granting the benefit of WBFS to enlisted candidates, means-cum-merit shall be the basis of preference.
v) After granting WBFS, the institutions shall submit a compliance report to the Director of Tech. Education.
vi) Such facilities for the WBFS shall he applicable effectively from the 2nd semester of students admitted in first year.
vii) The important dates and relevant details regarding WBFS shall be published in the official website of this Deptt. (
4) Role of other authorities for implementation of WBFS
i) The concerned authority of the affiliating University i.e. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) shall furnish the information to the DTE regarding fee-structure of the affiliating institution in terms of the G.O. No. 426-Edn(T) dated 17.06.2016 read with G.O. No. 425-Edn(T) dated 10.07.2017, MAKAUT shall furnish the same information each year before publication of Final list of selected candidates by the Directorate of Tech. Education.
ii) Moreover, MAKAUT shall furnish the information regarding registered students (discipline-wise and institution-wise) specifying Management Quota also to the Directorate of Technical Education for proper selection of candidates.
iii) MAKAUT shall take administrative measures on non-implementation of the WBFS by any affiliated institution as may be reported by the Directorate of Technical Education.
iv) The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) will provide necessary merit list of the candidates as required for effective implementation of the scheme.
5. Grievance Redressal Mechanism
There will be a Grievance Redressal Cell in the office of the Directorate of Technical Education for submission of grievances/ complainst in the matter. One (01) Officer of the Directorate of Technical Education shall act as Nodal Officer for WBFS and look into the grievances of the students and Institutions relating to WBFS.
For redressal of grievances, the students and Institutions may register complaints to email id []
6) In case of the University Institute of Technology (UIT) under the Burdwan University, which is run on self-financing basis, the WBFS shall be made applicable in the same manner as stated in this order.
This order will also remain effective until issuance of further order in this regard.
Sd/- S. Basuray
Special Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal
No. 755-Edn dated 20.12.2018, Source
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