
Guidelines for Issuance of EWS Certificate

BCWD, , ,

Modifications in the guidelines for issuance of certificate and strengthening of reservation system for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

Government of West Bengal
Backward Classes Welfare Department
Administrative Building, 4th& 5th Floor,
Block-DJ4, Bidhannagar, Sector-II, Kolkata – 700 091

No. 959-BCW/MR-52/2019 Date: 18.05.2023


Sub: Modifications in the guidelines for issuance of certificate and strengthening of reservation system for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)

In continuation of the Office Memorandum No. 325-PAR(AR)/3P-1/2019 dated 9th July, 2019, issued by the Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department (Administrative Reforms Cell), Government of West Bengal, to provide benefits of reservation in civil posts and services in the Government of West Bengal and also in admission to educational institutions in West Bengal for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs), the following modifications are issued in the capacity of Nodal Department for EWS reservation, for receipt and disposal of applications for issuance of EWS certificate and strengthening reservation system for the EWS.

1. Nomenclature:

Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) is a term that describes the persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes with income and assets below the criteria as set by the government. EWS certificate is the proof that a person belongs to the EWS category and is eligible to avail the reservation benefits meant for the EWS.

2. Quantum of Reservation:

The persons belonging to EWS shall get 10% reservation in direct recruitment in civil posts and services in all its departments/ boards/ corporations/ local bodies in the Government of West Bengal and also in admission to Educational Institutions in the state of West Bengal.

3. Eligibility Criteria for reservation under EWS:

As stated in the Office Memorandum No. 325-PAR (AR)/3P-1/2019 dated 09.07.2019.

4. Issuance of EWS Certificate:

I. Issuing Authority:

The benefit of 10% reservation under EWS category can be availed upon production of a EWS Certificate issued by the following authorities in prescribed format as given in Annexure-C/ Annexure-D:

II. Enquiry, verifying and recommending authority:

Appropriate authorities for conducting enquiry, verification and recommendation of the applications for EWS certificate shall be determined by the issuing authority.

5. Mode of submission of Application:

Application for issuance of EWS Certificate has to be filed online (to be notified later) through the Government portal. Application will be submitted in offline mode at present until the introduction of online system within 3 months.

6. List of supporting documents to be attached with application (Illustrative and not exhaustive):

In addition to the documents as prescribed in the Office Memorandum No. 325-PAR (AR)/3P-1/2019 dated 09.07.2019, self-attested copies of following documents which have to be attached with the application (Annexure-A) for EWS Certificate:

7. Validity of EWS certificate:

EWS certificate is valid for the financial year of issuance of certificate.

8. EWS certificate to those persons who have shifted from other states and residing in the state of West Bengal:

In case of a person who has shifted from other state, has to be a resident of State of West Bengal to avail reservation under EWS category as per applicable norms of Government of West Bengal.

9. Issuance of EWS certificate for those OBCs who are included in the State list but not in the Central list:

If a person belongs to OBC category (A & B) in the State OBC list of West Bengal but not in the Central OBC list for this state, he/she can apply for EWS certificate for recruitment in civil posts and services and admission in educational institutions under Govt. of India to avail of EWS reservation subject to fulfilling other conditions. Such persons are eligible to obtain EWS certificate in Annexure-D format.

Persons already possess EWS certificate in Annexure-C format by competent authority, also have to apply for EWS certificate in Annexure-D format while seeking reservation in services & posts and admission in educational institutions under Govt. of India.

10. Appellate Authority:

District Magistrate of the concerned district is the Appellate Authority in respect of EWS certificates issued by the Issuing Authority of that district. In Kolkata, Divisional Commissioner, Presidency Division is the Appellate Authority. Decision of the Appellate Authority in cases of appeals shall be final.

11. Effective reservation for EWS:

I. Maintenance of 100-point roster of vacancies in direct recruitment:

Gazette Notification No. 18-Emp(EC)/LABR-27011(20)/1/2020-EC dated 07.02.2023, issued by Labour Department, Government of West Bengal, is required to be followed for reservation for EWS category for any direct Recruitment.

II. Admission to Educational Institutions:

As stated in the Office Memorandum No. 325-PAR (AR)/3P-1/2019 dated 09.07.2019.

12. Nodal Officer:

Every Government establishment shall appoint a senior officer of the Department as the Nodal Officer to monitor the implementation of reservation for EWS Category.

List of Annexure:

A. Form of Application for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Certificate.
B. Self-Declaration in regard to caste, family income and assets by the applicant or by the guardian in case of minor seeking EWS Certificate.
C. Statutory format of EWS certificate (applicable in this state)
D. Format of EWS certificate to persons who seek EWS reservation under Government of India.

Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 959-BCW dated 18.05.2023, Source

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