
Guidelines for processing Pension Papers by AGWB

Accountant General, West Bengal, 👁ī¸ 1698

The retiring Government employee should submit Formal Application for pension in the prescribed form i.e. Form No. 5 to the Head of Office (HOO)/ Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) not less than one year in advance from the date of his/her date of retirement.

Guidelines for processing pension papers

The retiring Government employee should submit Formal Application for pension in the prescribed form i.e. Form No. 5 to the Head of Office (HOO)/ Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) not less than one year in advance from the date of his/her date of retirement along with duly filled in

Procedure to be followed by AG,WB office for processing of Pension cases:

  1. On receipt of pension papers complete in all respects from the Head of Office six months in advance from the date of superannuation of Government employee, the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal shall apply requisite checks for determining the admissibility of pension and gratuity and also family pension cases.
  2. If any information/clarification is wanted, the Head of Office shall be contacted within 3 months from the date of receipt of pension papers.
  3. Where no information/clarification is desired or where necessary clarification has been received from the Head of Office, the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal shall straightway issue (i) Pension Payment Order, (ii) authority for payment of gratuity and (iii) authority for payment of commuted value of pension one month in advance from the date of superannuation of the Government employee.
  4. This Office shall send pensioner’s copy of intimation letter regarding issue of Pension Payment Order and the authority for payment of retiring gratuity and commuted value of pension to the concerned Head of Office under whom the retiring employee is serving and the both halves of Pension Payment Order to the Pension Disbursing Officer, as chosen by the retiring Government employees, with the direction to start payment from the specific date as fixed therein.
  5. When the retiring employees is in receipt of higher pay on the basis of interim orders passed by the Hon’ble High Court, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, West Bengal Administrative Tribunal or where appeal, if any, preferred by the Government is pending, such higher pay may be taken into account for calculation of pension only on provisional basis till finalisation of the case. No gratuity or commuted value of pension shall be authorised in such cases till finalisation of the court case and issue of consequential Government instructions.
  6. Where payment of pension/family pension is to be made in other State, the Special Seal Authority for payment of pensionary benefits may be issued as usual to the concerned Accountant General, in whose audit jurisdiction the pensioner intends to draw pension.

Required Documents/ Check List for Pension Processing

The following documents/papers are required to be submitted to the Office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal with pension cases to ensure their timely disposal:

Note: In cases where the payment of pensionary benefits/ family pension in respect of State Government employees is to be made in other State, the Head of Office (i.e. Pension Sanctioning Authority) should positively send the following pension papers in duplicate :-

Documents to be Submitted along with the Pension case for un-married/ divorced or widowed daughters

Authorities for Pension Processing

Sl. No.ActivityAuthority Concerned
01Maintaining of Pension Register as prescribed in WBS (DCRB), 1971 as amended by GO No. 5977-F dated 27.06.1985 and preparing a list of employees under his control who will retire within the next 30/24 months on 1st January/ 1st July of each year in duplicate and sending a copy of the same to AG Office & Finance Department.

Issuing a notice to the retiring Govt. employee two years in advance from the date of superannuation enclosing relevant papers (Form-5, Form C/Form A, Annexure A) with the direction to submit the said forms along with other documents one year in advance from the date of superannuation.

Obtaining of a pay statement and calculation sheet showing admissible pension, gratuity, commuted value of pension and family pension from DDO when the Head of the Office is not the DDO himself.

Preparing and sending pension papers along with duly filled in Single Comprehensive Form and Service Book, complete in all respects to AG Office six months in advance from the date of superannuation of the employee.

Head of the Office/Pension Sanctioning Authority.
02Scrutiny for determining admissibility of Pension, Commuted Value of Pension, Retiring/ Death Gratuity & Family pension, on receipt of pension papers from the Head of the Office.

Return of the case to the Head of the Office, in case any dispute in fixation of pay is noticed and/or any information or clarification is wanting.

Sending of Admissibility Report for pensionary benefits along with Service Book, authority for gratuity and commuted value of Pension as well as the letters (both for the office and the pensioner) to the Head of the Office/ PSA **

PAG(A&E), W.B.
03Issue of special seal authority for payment of pension, commuted value of pension & gratuity, if the pensioner desires to draw pension outside this State.

** Authority for gratuity and commuted value of pension in respect of employees of the non-government colleges are sent to the concerned Pension Disbursing Authority instead of Head of the Office/ Pension Sanctioning Authority.

PAG(A&E), W.B.
04Drawing of bill for payment of gratuity and commuted value of pension as authorized by PAG (A&E).DDO
05Order for sanctioning Dearness Relief/ Medical Relief/ Ex-gratia etc.Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal/ Administrative Deptt. concerned
06Issue of general circular for payment of dearness relief/ medical relief/ ex-gratia grant to the authorized banks within the Kolkata Corporation area/concerned treasuries in the districts/ other Accountants General office as the case may be after receiving order from the Finance Department/Administrative Deptt./ Ministry etc. concerned.PAG(A&E), W.B.
07Disbursement of pension and other allowances (i.e. Dearness Relief, Medical Relief, Ex-gratia etc.) after receipt of Special Seal Authority/ Pension Payment Order/Government Orders/Circulars.

Calculation of arrears of pension/family pension.

Restoration of Commuted portion of pension

Commencement of Family Pension on the death of the pensioner on receipt of application along with Death Certificate from the spouse.

Obtaining remarriage/ unmarried/ re-employment/ un-employment/ life certificate of the pensioner/family pensioners annually.

Concerned paying Bank/Treasury.
07aTransfer of Payment Point of Pension from one treasury to another within the State of West Bengal or one branch to another branch of same bank within Kolkata Municipal Corporation area may be accomplished directly by sending both halves of PPO with last payment certificate to the desired treasury or branch of the bank (through link branch) as the case may be under intimation to AG Office. However, where transfer of pension is intended from any treasury to any bank in Kolkata Municipal Corporation area or vice-versa and outside this State, both halves of PPO with last payment certificate to be sent to AG Office by the present Pension Disbursing Authority for further action.Concerned paying Bank/Treasury and AG office
08Accounting of Pension payment.PAG (A&E), W.B.
09Sanction of Family Pension to other eligible members viz. minor children/ physically/ mentally retarded child/ un-married/ widowed/ divorced daughters/ dependent parents, where both pensioner and spouse expired.

Sanction of time barred claims over 3 years.

Sanction of lifetime arrears of pension where no nomination for arrear pension exists.

Disputes regarding fixation of retirement benefits.

Head of the Office/Pension Sanctioning Authority.
10Any disputes regarding admissibility of pensionary benefits/ pay fixation/ service condition etc.Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal/ Administrative Deptt. concerned
11Any grievance relating to payment of pensionary benefits through bank/ treasury.PAG (A&E), W.B./ Dir. of Treasuries & Accounts/ Link Branch of PSB as the case may be

AG,WB Office issues Authorisation for the pensionary benefits in respect of the following:


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