
Guidelines for Research Fellowship Award, 2022-23

Science and Technology and Biotechnology, ,

The Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology (DSTBT), Government of West Bengal (GoWB) is pleased to announce the revised Guidelines and General Terms and Conditions in connection with Research Fellowship Award (RFA) implemented by West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology (WBSCST).

Call for Research Fellowship Award, 2022. Last Date of Application: 31.10.2022

Government of West Bengal
Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology
Vigyan Chetana Bhavan, Block DD 26/B Sector I, Salt Lake,

No. 493/STBT-12014/22/2022-WBSCST SEC-Dept. of STBT Date: 23/08/2022



About the Scheme: The Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology (DSTBT), Government of West Bengal (GoWB) is pleased to announce the revised Guidelines and General Terms and Conditions in connection with Research Fellowship Award (RFA) implemented by West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology (WBSCST), an autonomous body under the Department. Through this scheme, young students/ employees are financially supported for obtaining Ph.D. degree under the expert guidance of faculty members, working at State/ Central Govt. aided Universities/ Post Graduate Colleges located in West Bengal, in various fields of Science & Technology.

I. Award in different subject category:

Research Fellowship Awards are given in the name of five pioneer scientists in Bengal who are also icon of science in India and abroad. These are

  1. Jagadish Chandra Bose Fellowship Award in Life Science/Tele communication
  2. Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray Fellowship Award in Chemical Science
  3. Meghnad Saha Fellowship Award in River Science
  4. Satyandra Nath Bose Fellowship Award in Theoretical Physics
  5. Upendra Nath Brahmchari Fellowship Award in Health Science

II. Total Award Value:

RFA is tenable for a maximum period of five (5) years subject to the completion of Ph.D. degree whichever is earlier. Fellowship will be provided as per current rate of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) of Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal. Additional contingency support @ Rs. 28,000/- per year initial for two years during JRF tenure and @ Rs. 30,000/- per year for remaining tenure of SRF will also be provided. No financial assistance will be provided other than the amount mentioned beyond the stipulated period.

III. Eligibility:

Essential qualification: For the category of River Science, students who have completed their post graduate degree in Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Geography are eligible. In other categories, students who have completed their post graduate degree in the relevant discipline of science are eligible. In all cases, minimum 60% marks in all qualifying examinations with valid GATE/ NET/ SET certificates (on the date of advertisement) in relevant discipline are required. Preference will be given to JBNSTS qualified candidates. Maximum age limit is 28 years on the date of advertisement.

RFA is focused at human resource development in Science and Technology in the State of West Bengal. Applications for the awards are invited from bonafide Indian citizens, residing in West Bengal. The award is for fixed tenure and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by WBSCST to the beneficiary. WBSCST has the authority to award/ terminate the fellowship. The Awardee shall not lay any claim to be a permanent contractual employee in WBSCST after the expiry of fellowship.

IV. Selection Criteria:

Selection of RFA will be done through interview whereby the assessment of academic record will be examined by high-level Expert Committee. Merely fulfilment of eligibility criteria of a candidate will not be considered for interview. Candidates will be called for interview after screening on the basis of criteria adopted by WBSCST. WBSCST reserves the right to call or reject a candidate for interview.

The fellowship will be awarded to the selected applicants by a formal letter giving details of the grant and the conditions governing it with intimation to the University/ College who had forwarded their applications. The offer should be availed within one (1) month from the date mentioned in the letter to the Awardee. No extension beyond six months will be considered/ entertained. Decision of WBSCST regarding selection for interview or award of fellowship to the candidates shall be fixed and final.

V. Mode of Application

Online through Departmental Portal (www.vigyansathi.in). Last date of submission of application: As mentioned in the advertisement in newspapers/ portal.


The Member Secretary
West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology
Department of Science & Technology and Biotechnology
Vigyan Chetana Bhavan (4th Floor)
DD-26/B, Sector-I
Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700064


  1. Complete application in prescribed format must be forwarded through the proposed Supervisor and Head of the Department/lnstitution. Those who are previously employed in a project sponsored by any Govt./ Private funding agency are not eligible. Only fresh candidate with essential qualifications is eligible.
  2. The research work supported through the fellowship is to be used for a Ph.D. degree under any State/CentraJ University/ Post Graduate college in West Bengal.
  3. The remuneration of the Junior Research Fellow & Senior Research Fellow will be the same/at par with the fellowship given by the Dept. of Science and Technology and Biotechnology. Govt. of West Bengal, till further order.
  4. As per order of Dept. of Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal the Junior Research Fellow will be promoted to Senior Research Fellow after 2 years reviewed by the WBSCST/Expert Committee and the amount of fellowship will be increased accordingly, subject to the registration of his/her name as Research fellow for Ph.D. degree under any State/Central University/ Post Graduate college of the State of West Bengal.
  5. Research scholars are entitled to enjoy leaves as per existing rules applicable for the Research scholars of the host institute. No other benefits including bonus, LTC, retirement benefits will be provided to them.
  6. A copy of the joining report, authenticated by the Supervisor, along with the receipt of the fund disbursed should be submitted to this Council immediately after joining, since the date of joining will indicate the date of commencement of the project.
  7. At the end of each year, the student is expected to give a presentation of about 30 minutes regarding the progress of the work together with the plan of work for the next year before an Expert Committee for Award of Research Fellowship and Research Grant, WBSCST.
  8. The Annual Progress Report in prescribed format should be always accompanied by copies of published papers, re-prints and pre-prints of papers accepted for publication, manuscripts of papers communicated for publication duly acknowledging financial assistance of WBSCST. Noncompliance of WBSCST norms for submission of annual progress report along with other requisite documents within six months after completion of yearly tenure may result in termination of Fellowship.
  9. An Annual Progress Report on the out-come of the research work must be submitted by the research scholar to WBSCST duly certified by Supervisor/ Head of the concerned Department of the University/College. Utilization Certificate & Statement of Expenditure (in duplicate) duly signed by the competent authority with respect to the financial expenses must be submitted to WBSCST, along with the annual progress report, for the release of next year’s grant.
  10. The unspent amount of earlier payments and interest Earned by Universities/Colleges on Grants released by WBSCST for awards has to be adjusted while submitting/making the fresh claims for payment. The accounts should be maintained on ledger type system by the grantee Institution for the Research fellow. The university/ college shall be responsible for proper utilization of grant and for rendering the account to WBSCT.
  11. Research scholar has to be a full-time researcher and submit himself/herself to the disciplinary regulations of the host University/ College where he/she is working. Regular attendance of the scholar may be ensured by the department by keeping an attendance register. However, all disputes pertaining to the Research Fellowship Award shall fall within the jurisdiction of West Bengal only.
  12. Any kind of paid or honorary, part-or-full-time employment is not permissible during the tenure of fellowship. The research scholar is not to take any assignment other than related to his/her approved research programme, paid or unpaid. However, if required, the scholar may assist the host institute in its academic work/other activities, as per guidelines of its PhD programme, provided such assignments should not hamper the progress of research work of the scholar.
  13. No scholar shall discontinue his/her fellowship without prior approval of WBSCST. In case he/she wishes to discontinue the fellowship prior to completion of the tenure on attainment of original objectives of research, he/she must submit the resignation to WBSCST through the Guide one month in advance, indicating specific reasons for not continuing the fellowship. The fellowship shall cease from the date stipulated in the WBSCST letter approving the resignation.
  14. During the tenure of the fellowship, the scholar shall correspond with the Nodal Officer of this scheme only through the Guide/ approval of the Head of the Institution.
  15. Research scholar on the recommendation of guide, and provided that his/her University/ institute has no objection, may be permitted by WBSCST to take up temporary paid research job in a recognized R&D Institution/University, College/lnstitute of repute/ Recognized R & D Institution/ PDF studies in India & abroad for a period not exceeding one year during the entire tenure of the fellowship (JRF & SRF together). The research scholar w ill not be entitled to any extension of the fellowship for such periods. The scholar will not be entitled to stipend and contingency grant during such leave. Such leave period will be counted in the tenure. Such leave can be taken only after joining and working as research scholar at least for one year. Scholar has to report for duty at the same place from where he proceeded on leave.
  16. Research scholar must send a detailed final consolidated report of the research work done in prescribed format during the entire period of fellowship on completion of the tenure/resignation of the fellowship through the Guide to the Nodal Officer, WBSCST within one month.
  17. Research scholar shall keep WBSCST informed about his/her getting the higher degree, submission of thesis for Ph.D.. and submission/acceptance/publication of any research paper arising out of the research work done during the tenure of the fellowship. He /She must acknowledge the support of WBSCST in the publication(s). One copy each of all the research papers published must be sent to WBSCST at each stage of publication/ manuscript/reprint.
  18. The scholar should carefully choose the host organization, guidc/supervisor. and availability of necessary infrastructural and other research facilities etc. to carry out his/her research before joining. Request for transfer of fellowship will only be entertained in genuine case like death or transfer of supervisor.
  19. If a scholar leaves without permission, stipend due at any time shall not be paid to him/her by the organization, till all dues are cleared and certified by the University/ College. Responsibility in such cases shall be that of the University/ College concerned. Research scholars must settle their claims within one year of leaving the fellowship. No claim will be admitted by WBSCST after one year of leaving the fellowship.
  20. The unspent balance of grant lying with the host organization at any time due to termination /resignation of fellowship of a fellow /leave sanctioned without stipend/interest earned on grants released by WBSCST must be refunded to WBSCST immediately by means of a demand draft in favor of West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology.
  21. The scholar is expected to make at least one publication with first authorship in peer reviewed journal within two years of the issuing of the fellowship and WBSCST as the funding agency should be acknowledged for financial assistance in all possible publications made from such work.
  1. Any significant outcome of any project under this scheme will be co-owned by WBSCST and may be utilized for dissemination. The physical assets, created or acquired out of the project fund shall vest in WBSCST & such assets should not be reflected as the assets of the host institute as their own in their Books of Accounts but disclose the origin & holding in the notes to accounts.
  2. On completion of the project duration and after the receipt of the final report and Utilization Certificate & Statement of Expenditure, the WBSCST will decide whether the assets should be retained, returned or sold by the grantee institute. If the assets are to be sold the proceeds there from should be credited to the WBSCST account. In case the assets are allowed to be retained by the university/college they should include the assets at book value in their own accounts.

Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
Dept. of Science and Technology and Biotechnology

No. 493-STBT dated 23.08.2022, Source

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