
High Madrasah, Alim and Fazil Exam Programme- 2015

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High Madrasah, Alim & Fazil Examination – 2015 (both Regular & External) will be started from 09.02.2015. The candidates shall collect their Admit Cards from the respective Madrasahs on 3rd February 2015.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
19 Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata – 700 016

Memo No. 1387/Exam Date: 05.05.2014


It is notified for information of all concerned that the High Madrasah, Alim & Fazil Examination – 2015 (both Regular & External) will be held as per following Programme:-


DateDayHigh Madrasah ExaminationAlim ExaminationFazil Examination
11.45 a.m. – 3.00p.m.11.45 a.m. – 3.00p.m.11.45 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
09.02.15MondayBengali/ UrduBengali/ UrduBengali/ Urdu
10.02.15TuesdayArabicArabic11.45a.m-2.00p.m. Env.Edn.
12.02.15ThursdayPhysical Science11.45 a.m- 2.00 p.m. Physical Science2.15 a.m-4.30 p.m. Life ScienceIslamic History
16.02.15MondayGeography11.45 a.m -2.00 p.m. Geography2.15 a.m – 4.30 p.m. FiqhArabic
17.02.15TuesdayHistoryHistoryIslamic Studies
18.02.15WednesdayLife ScienceHadith
19.02.15ThursdayIslam ParichayTafsir
23.02.15MondayAll Addl. Subjects TheoreticalAll Addl. Subjects TheoreticalAll Addl. Subjects Theoretical

i) Centre Fee @ Rs. 50/- per candidate or as directed by the Board.

ii) The dates for Work Education, Physical Education (as addl, subjects) examination will be held from Tuesday the 3rd March to Saturday the 14th March, 2015.

iii) The candidates shall collect their Admit Cards from the respective Madrasahs on 3rd February 2015.

iv) The papers of 100 marks will be of 3 (three) hours & 15 (Fifteen) minutes (for reading Question papers and writing roll nos. duration and the papers of 50 marks will be of 2 (two) hour, & 15 (Fifteen) minutes (for reading Question papers and writing roll nos.)

v) Examination in sewing and needle work will be of 4(four) hours’ duration, will be held on 3rd March 2015.

vi) Examination in Computer Application will be of two and half hours duration for theoretical portion and 2 (two) hours for practical portion. Practical Examination will be held on 30th March 2015.

vji) Geography Practical Examination (Fazil) will be of two (2) hours duration and will be held 5th February, 2015.

Sd/- Syed Nurus Salam
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

No. 1387/Exam dated 05.05.2014

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