Heads of all recognized Madrasah are being informed that for the current academic session 2014, the Madrasahs shall have to observe a uniform list of holidays as per Model list of holidays attached herewith. The maximum numbers of holidays for this academic session will be 65 days.
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Begum Rokaiya Bhavan’
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-16
Phone: 033-22271200/ 2265 3128/ 2249 7773
Memo No. 2023/Aca/13 Date: 02.12.2013
From: The Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
To: The Heads of all recognized Madrasah within the State of West Bengal
Sub: List of maximum number of holidays to be observed in the academic session-2014 (01 January, 2014 to 31 December, 2014)
As per decision of the meeting of the Board held on 31.03.2004 and as directed, the heads of all recognized Madrasah are being informed that for the current academic session 2014, the Madrasahs shall have to observe a uniform list of holidays as per Model list of holidays attached herewith. The maximum numbers of holidays for this academic session will be 65 days.
This order shall have to be strictly followed. If any festival is affected due to lunar cause, the holidays on account of the said festival would be so adjusted.
Yours faithfully
Sd/- Syed Nurus Salam
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
Sl. No. | Date | Day | Purpose of Holiday | No. of Holiday(s) | Remarks |
1 | 01.01. 2014 | Wednesday | English New Year’s Day and Akheri Chahar Shumba | 01 Day | Holiday |
2 | 14.01.2014 | Tuesday | Fateha-Dowaz Daham | 01 Day | Holiday |
3 | 23.01.2014 | Thursday | Netaji’s Birthday | 01 Day | To be observed |
4 | 26.01.2014 | Sunday | Republic Day | X | To be observed |
5 | 04.02.2014 | Tuesday | Saraswaty Puja | 01 Day | Holiday |
6 | 12.02.2014 | Wednesday | Fateha-Yaz Daham | 01 Day | Holiday |
7 | 16.03.2014 | Sunday | Dol Yatra | X | x |
8 | 14.04.2014 | Monday | Birthday of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar | 01 Day | Holiday |
9 | 15.04.2014 | Tuesday | Bengali New Year’s Day | 01 Day | Holiday |
10 | 18.04.2014 | Friday | Good Friday | 01 Day | Holiday |
11 | 01.05.2014 | Thursday | May Day | 01 Day | Holiday |
12 | 09.05.2014 | Friday | Birthday of Rabindranath Tagore | 01 Day | to be observed |
13 | May 22 to June 08, 2014 | Thursday to Sunday | Summer Vacation, Birthday of Kazi Nazrul Islam, Shab- E-Meraj | 15 Days | Holiday |
14 | 15.06.2014 | Sunday | Shab-E-Barat | X | X |
15 | 30.06.2014 | Monday | Honour of 1st Ramzan | 01 Day | Holiday |
16 | 10.07.2014 to 30.07.2014 | Thursday to Wednesday | Ramzan Vacation, Jum’a- Tul-Vida, Lailatul Quadr, Eid-ul-Fitr | 18 Days | Holiday |
17 | 15.08.2014 | Friday | Independence Day | 01 Day | To be observed |
18 | 17.08.2014 | Sunday | Janmashtami | X | X |
19 | 05.09.2014 | Friday | Teacher’s Day | 01 Day | To be observed |
20 | 23.09.2014 | Tuesday | Mahalaya | 01 Day | Holiday |
21 | 26.09.2014 | Friday | Birthday of Vidyasagar | 01 Day | To be observed |
22 | 30.09.2014 to 08.10.2014 | Tuesday to Wednesday | Durgapuja, Birth day of Mahatma Gandhi, Eid-ul- Azha and Lakshmi Puja | 08 days | Holiday |
23 | 23.10.2014 to 25.10.2014 | Thursday to Saturday | Kalipuja, Bhratri Dwitiya | 03 Days | Holiday |
24 | 04.11.2014 | Tuesday | Muharram | 01 Day | Holiday |
25 | 06.11.2014 | Thursday | Birthday of Guru Nanak | 01 Day | Holiday |
26 | 11.11.2014 | Tuesday | Birth day of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad/ National Education Day | 01 Day | to be observed |
27 | 14.11.2014 | Friday | Children’s Day | 01 Day | Holiday |
28 | 17.12.2014 | Wednesday | Akheri Chahar Shumba | 01 Day | Holiday |
29 | 25.12.2014 | Thursday | Christmas Day | 01 Day | Holiday |
1. This holiday list shall be treated as model Holiday List for the Academic Year-2014. The adjustment in Holiday(s) is permissible as per local need for festival and for any natural disaster subject to approval of the M.C./ Administrator as the case may be. The total number of Holidays in the Academic Year would be fixed at 65 days. The Madrasah authority is not allowed to exclude National and State holiday from the total number of holidays i.e.65 days.
2. For hilly areas of Darjeeling, the M/A may adjust the vacation as per local environment keeping total number of holidays fixed at 65 days.
3. Any festival affected due to lunar cause, the holiday on account of the said festival would be so adjusted.
4. In case of Madrasahs where Friday is weekly holidays instead of Sunday the holiday will be changed accordingly.
5. The Board reserves the right to change the Holiday List if required.