
Implementation of West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008

Finance, 👁️ 227

Due to late submission of option for enrollment under the Scheme Enrollment Certificate could not be issued by the authorities within the stipulated period.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Medical Cell

No. 511-F(MED) Dt. 17.01.2012

From: Shri H.K. Dwivedi, I.A.S.
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
To: (1) The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary/
_________________________________ Department
(2) The District Magistrate,

Sub: Implementation of the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008.

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your kind attention to the Notification No. 8435-F(MED), dt. 29-08-2011 (copy enclosed) on the above subject and to state that the enrolment of the State Government employees and State Government pensioners under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 is open up to 31-03-2012.

2. I would like to inform you that on the last occasion in the year 2010, it was noticed that due to submission of option for enrolment under the Scheme at the last moment, the Enrolment Certificate could not be issued by the authorities within the stipulated period, i.e. 31-12-2010 in several cases.

3. Accordingly, it is essential that the features and benefits of the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 are brought to the knowledge of all the officers, employees and Government pensioners so that they may exercise option and complete the enrolment under the Scheme well before the closing date, i.e. 31-03-2012.

4. For bringing the provisions of the Health Scheme before the serving and retired Government employees in an appropriate manner, I would request you to conduct workshops/ interactive sessions. Officers of the nodal department, i.e. Finance Department, members of the West Bengal Health Scheme Authority may attend and participate in those workshops/ interactive sessions in order to make the said workshops/ interactive sessions effective.

5. The West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 with revised Rate List and latest circulars are available in the official website of the Finance Department: www.wbfin.nic.in link West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi

No. 511-F dated 17.01.2012

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