Inclusion of Banks to Handle Govt Transaction
RBI has authorised additional Banks to handle Govt transactions. The State Government Offices and the Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory Corporations may maintain bank account with it.Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 6426-F(Y) Dated: 25.07.2012
The Reserve Bank of India, Department of Government & Bank Accounts, Central Office, Mumbai vide DGBA, GAD No. H-8408/31.04.009/ 2011-12 dated 21st June 2012 has authorised the following Banks to handle receipt transactions of the Government of West Bengal, in addition to the existing authorised Banks:
- Oriental Bank of Commerce
- Punjab & Sind Bank
- Vijaya Bank
- State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
- State Bank of Hyderabad
- State Bank of Patiala
- State Bank of T ra van core
- State Bank of Mysore
- ICICI Bank Ltd.
- Axis Bank Ltd.
- HDFC Bank Ltd.
The State Government Offices and the Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Corporations may maintain bank account in the above mentioned authorised banks subject to the following conditions:
A) The Administrative Department will seek separate concurrence from the Finance Department with regard to the modalities of flow of fund from the concerned bank to State Exchequer.
B) If the fund is from (i) any source other than the Government of West Bengal and maintenance of bank account in any of the authorised banks is a precondition of getting the fund, (ii) Government of West Bengal with provision of maintaining account in any of the authorised banks, then specific proposal should be sent to Finance Department in terms of this Department Memorandum No. 675-F dated 22nd January 2008 for approval.
C) For e-Receipt of State Government Tax and Non-Tax Revenue, the Reserve Bank of India will be the Agency Bank. All other banks, as mentioned above will collect Government receipts and report through the RBI, PAD, Kolkata for crediting in the State Government account. The Administrative Department/ Directorate willing to introduce e-Receipt on behalf of the State Government shall send specific proposal to the Finance Department for this purpose.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.