
Increase of Intake Capacity in Class XI for Session 2012-13

School Education, 👁️ 191

School Education Department hereby allows to increase the intake capacity of enrolment of students by 20% of the existing strength in Class XI.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 5th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091

No. 2102-SE(S)/10M-175/12, dated: 20.06.2012.

From: Shri N. Chakraborty, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The President, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, 9/2, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

Sub: Increase of intake capacity in Class XI for the session 2011-12 2012-13.
Ref: His letter dated 12.6.12.

With reference to his letter under reference, regarding increase of intake capacity of students in Class XI in different Higher Secondary Schools in the session 2012-13, I am directed to state that the School Education Department hereby allows to increase the intake capacity of enrolment of students by 20% of the existing strength in Class XI subject to condition of availability of required teachers and sufficient accommodation in the schools.

This may be informed to all schools immediately.

Sd/- N. Chakraborty
Deputy Secretary

No. 2102-SE dated 20.06.2012

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