
Increment for Stagnation beyond Last Cell of Pay Matrix of ROPA, 2019


How the pay of an employee drawing stagnation increment shall be fixed on promotion to higher post or to higher Level (Functional or non-functional).

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No. 1547-F(P1)/FA/N/2M/02/22 (N.B.). Dated, Howrah, the 13th April, 2022.


In terms of Memo. No. 760-F(P1), dated 17.02.2020, a government employee reaching the last Cell of any particular Level in the Pay Matrix under W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019, shall draw annual increment for stagnation beyond the last Cell of that particular Level at the same amount at which it was last drawn subject to a maximum of 6 (six) such increments.

  1. A question has now been raised as to how the pay of an employee drawing stagnation increment shall be fixed on promotion to higher post or to higher Level (Functional or non-functional).
  2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is pleased to order that when an employee while drawing stagnation increment(s) in the Lower post / Level is appointed on promotion to higher post or is appointed to higher Level under promotion policy circular 1981 or M.C.A.S.- 2001 as notified vide Memo. No. 3015-F, dated 13.03.2001 read with Memo. No. 6042-F(P2), dated 07.11.2019, his pay in the higher post/ Cell shall, in relation to the pay of the lower post/ Level, be fixed at the next higher Cell keeping the date of increment unchanged.
  3. The benefit of para 3 above will also be admissible when such ‘next higher Cellโ€™ is beyond the last Cell of the Level of the higher post/ higher Level. The excess over the last cell being deemed to be stagnation increment(s) in the Level of the higher post/ higher Level, which together with future stagnation increment(s) shall not exceed 6 (six).
  4. The provision of this Memo. shall be notionally effective from 01.01.2016 with actual effect from 01.01.2020.

Sd/- D. K. Ray
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1547-F dated 13.04.2022, Source

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