Consumer Affairs, Legal Metrology
1. Weighing instruments of medium, high accuracy classes and special accuracy class both mechanical and electronics, 2. Automatic Weighing Machine, 3. Totalizing Machine, 4. Volumetric Measuring Instruments, 5. Flow/ Bulk meters, 6. Automatic Rail Weighbridge, 7. Automatic Gravimetric Filling instruments.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Legal Metrology
45, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata – 700 013
No. 100 Date: 02/02/2022
For the purpose of implementation of Reform point no. 204 under SBRAP 2020-21 pertaining to Ease of Doing Business for inspection in relation to verification and stamping of weights and measures, the compliance inspection requirements based on risk profile (such as high, medium and low risk) of articles of weights and measures, is differentiated into 3 risk categories, in accordance with Rule 27 of Legal Metrology (General) Rules 2011, in the following manner:
Risk category and periodicity of inspection of weights and measures:
Sl No. | Weights and measure to be inspected and verified | Risk category | At least Periodicity |
1. | 1. Weighing instruments of medium, high accuracy classes and special accuracy class both mechanical and electronics class III, II and I 2. Automatic Weighing Machine. 3. Totalizing Machine. 4. Volumetric Measuring Instruments. 5. Flow/ Bulk meters. 6. Automatic Rail Weighbridge. 7. Automatic Gravimetric Filling instruments (it includes fill in ml or liter or in Multiples thereto.) 8. Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing instruments (Totalizing Hopper weighers) 9. Compressed Natural Gas Dispensers. 10. Auto LPG Dispensers. 11. Automatic in motion road weighbridge. 12. Liquid measuring systems other than water. 13. Vehicle tanks 14. All Manufacturer/ Repairer/ Dealer Licenses. | High Risk | Every year |
2. | 1. Weights 2. Length Measures. 3. Beam Scales Class A and B. 4. Beam Scales Class C and D. 5. Counter Machines. 6. Tubular balance. 7. Person weighing machine excluding bathroom scales. 8. Peg or liquor measure. 9. Non-Automatic weighing Instruments, mechanical (analogue indication)/ digital belonging to ordinary accuracy class IV | Medium Risk | Once in 2 years |
3. | 1. Storage tank | Low Risk | Once in 5 years |
Controller of Legal Metrology
West Bengal