
Instructions to the Centre-in-Charge for TET of Primary Teachers

School Education, 👁️ 168

The Centre-in-Charge will make seating arrangements of the candidates in the centre/ venue for not more than 2 (two) candidates on a bench and will engage at least 2 (two) Invigilators for not more than 50 candidates.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091

Date: 15.03.2013

  1. Candidates will be allowed to enter the venue 30 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the examination. Candidates will need to be seated in their pre-assigned seats not later than 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time.
  2. The Centre-in-Charge will make seating arrangements of the candidates in the centre/ venue for not more than 2 (two) candidates on a bench and will engage at least 2 (two) Invigilators for not more than 50 candidates.
  3. The candidates whose Form No/Roll No is within the allotted range of roll no’s should be allowed on production of both the parts of the original Admit Cards with photographs, properly stamped by the designated Bank Branches.
  4. The Centre-in-Charge will allow a candidate whose Roll No. falls within the allotted roll no range but is not found in the Attendance Sheet or in the Allotment Register, if he/she appears at the centre/venue with proper Admit Cards in all parts.
  5. No candidate should be allowed on the basis of an FIR/Photocopy of Admit Cards.
  6. Calculators, Mobile Phones or any other electronic device are not allowed in the examination hall. Any candidate found using or in possession of such device will be immediately disqualified. The devices are to be seized and handed over to the Centre-in-Charge.
  7. Centres/Venues assigned are not transferable and any request to this effect should not be entertained.
  8. Any candidate found guilty of any unfair practice during the examination will be immediately disqualified and will be debarred from appearing at any future examinations for recruitment under this Board.
  9. The Centre-in-Charge should allow the candidates, Invigilators, Staff-members of the centre/venue and other authorized persons only.
  10. Any unauthorized person should not be allowed to enter the venue.
  11. Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall till the examination is over, and the OMR sheets and question booklets are collected and counted, and the Invigilator has given consent.
  12. OMR Answer sheets and Question Booklets are packed in equal number in each sealed packet.
  13. The Centre-in-Charge should distribute the OMR sheets and the question booklets serially from Packet No. 1, 2, 3 onwards till the last candidate’s OMR sheet and question booklet are distributed.
  14. The OMR sheets and Question Booklet will be distributed 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination, and the candidates will need to fill up the relevant information in the space provided in the OMR sheet. No other marking should be allowed till the starting of the examination. If done, that will lead to cancellation of the candidature and immediate expulsion.
  15. The packet with last serial number contains the extra OMR sheets to be used for any additional requirements only.
  16. The Centre-in-Charge will ignore if there is any OMR sheet which is not in continuous serial number, or missing according to serial number, and is also requested to make the deficiency in the OMR packet which does not contain full 100 sheets from the last packet containing the extra OMR sheets if required. In case of any defects in the OMR sheet i.e. printing mistake/damage/serial number not printed, the same should not be distributed to the candidates and in case distributed the same should be changed forthwith.
  17. The candidate should be instructed to fill-up the attendance sheet properly and put their signatures accordingly. In case a candidate’s Roll No. does not appear in the Attendance Sheets, the Centre-in-Charge should allow the candidate to put his/her signature in the blank column(s) provided at the end of the attendance sheet. The necessary details (as mentioned in the prescribed format) of such candidates should be filled in by the candidate and should be authenticated be the Invigilator.
  18. The Centre-in-Charge should instruct the Invigilators to verify the signature of the candidates in the attendance sheet with the signature given in the Admit Cards and also, the photograph pasted with the appearance of the candidate. He/she should also instruct the Invigilators to put their signatures on the back of the duplicate part of the Admit Cards for authentication, which shall be collected by the Invigilators and send to the Custodian by the Centre-in-Charge in sealed packets.
  19. The candidate should be instructed not to start answering till the bell for commencement of the examination rings out.
  20. At the end of the Examination the Centre-in-Charge will collect the used OMR sheets and the Question Booklet separately.
  21. Centre-in-Charge will then pack all the used OMR sheets serially (Roll No. sequence) in polythene packet/packets (100 OMR Sheets in one packet) and should label it properly.
  22. Thereafter the packet/packets of OMR Answer Sheets shall be put into the carton/cartons used for sending the same. Then the carton/cartons shall have to be sealed with Brown Adhesive Tape (Cello tape). Duly filled in Top Sheets as sent should be prepared in triplicate. The original should be pasted on the carton/cartons. A copy of the same should be sent along with the dispatch report.
  23. The unused OMR sheets, cancelled OMR sheets, Attendance Sheets and Duplicate Admit Cards are to be packed separately and put into the carton/cartons. Specimen Signatures of the Invigilators will also be packed separately and sealed. All such packets should be labeled properly.
  24. Then the Centre-in-Charge should put together: (a) the sealed carton/cartons of the used OMR sheets with Top Sheets pasted on it, (b) the sealed unused OMR sheets on it, (c) the sealed cancelled OMR sheets on it, (d) thereafter the sealed carton/cartons of the Duplicate Admit Cards, collected from the candidates (e) thereafter the sealed envelope of the Specimen Signatures of the Invigilators and the attendance sheets.
  25. Thereafter all the above mentioned items should be wrapped all together with markin cloths and stitched properly and gala sealed with a sticker pasted on it which will contain the name of the Centre/Venue with Code No. and District Name & Code No. and the total No. of the used OMR sheets.
  26. The Center-in-Charge will pack the used question booklets and unused question booklets separately in carton/cartons, sealed with brown cello tape or otherwise with brown paper.
  27. The Centre-in-Charge should deposit all the packets to the Custodian on completion of the examination with Police escorts along with a Despatch Report.
  28. A copy of the Top Sheet and dispatch report should be retained by the Centre-in-Charge.
  29. Necessary seals and stamps of the Centre-in-Charge are to be made out of the Centre Grants to be placed in due course. A lump grant of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand) only for the Centre expenses in addition to Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only per candidate will be placed through the D.I./s of the respective districts.

N.B. As per the order of the School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal (No. 15-SE(EE)/Samity-46/12 dtd. 04.01.2013, the visually handicapped candidates shall be allowed to use writers in the TET, 2012, who would be students of class IX and X on recommendation and certification of competent District Level Officers.

Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi


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