
Insurance Policy For Persons Deployed For COVID-19 Related Duties

Health, , 👁️ 165

Free treatment for COVID-19 patients shall be provided in Government Hospitals/ Government-requisitioned private hospital with an additional financial assistance of Rs 1.00 Lakh and a death benefit of Rs 10.00 Lakh.

Health & Family Welfare Department
Government of West Bengal
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt lake, Kolkata-700091

Memo No.: HF/O/COVID-19/2020/3085 Date- 01.04.2020


Insurance Policy For Persons Deployed For COVID-19 Related Duties

With a view to expanding the ambit of the Insurance cover so as to offer greater protection to the persons deployed in the containment and management of COVID 19 in the State of West Bengal, the Governor, in supersession of order number HF/O/COVID-19/2020/3051 dated 21.03.2020 and no. HF/O/COVID-19/2020/3054 dated 23.03.2020 is hereby pleased to notify afresh the following terms for the Insurance Policy.

Under this Policy, free treatment for COVID-19 patients shall be provided in Government Hospitals/ Government-requisitioned private hospital with an additional financial assistance of Rs 1.00 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh), and a death benefit of Rs 10.00 Lakh (Rupees Ten Lakh) if death is attributable to COVID 19, to the categories of persons mentioned below.

Family members of the persons deployed in the containment and management of COVID 19 shall also be covered.

The following categories of persons who are deployed for COVID-19 related duties will be covered under the policy:

  1. All employees of permanent, contractual or part-time nature under the Health & Family Welfare Department and other Departments/ Organisations under the Government of West Bengal.
  2. Conservancy Staff of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs Department and Conservancy staff deployed in the rural areas.
  3. State Police personnel under permanent, contractual or part time employment, deployed for COVID19 related duties.
  4. Personnel of Central Police Forces and Defence Forces, Airport Staff and Employees, Employees of the Ports, Employees of Railways deployed for COVID 19 related duties in West Bengal.
  5. Drivers, Conductors and other employees deployed for road and river public transport in the State.
  6. Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Conservancy Staff and all other employees deployed by Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes for containment and management of COVID-19.
  7. All ICDS workers and helpers
  8. Cooks/ persons engaged in distribution of diet, washermen, Ayas working in Government and private hospitals.
  9. Druggists, Chemists and their staff working in the Pharmacy/ Medical Store/ Dispensaries.
  10. Persons engaged in bio-medical waste management in the hospitals.
  11. All persons related to transportation of COVID-19 related suspects/ patients (ambulance, hearse van etc.)
  12. Private transport personnel deployed for COVID-19 related duties.
  13. Couriers engaged in carrying samples for laboratory testing for COVID-19 for suspects/ patients.
  14. Any other category of persons who in the assessment of the Health & Family Welfare Department, West Bengal was deployed in COVID-19 related duties and suffers from illness and /or death.

The admissibility of claim under this Policy as well the processing of claims shall be dealt by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal.

The “Swasthya Sathi Cell” of the Health & Family Welfare Department shall be the nodal branch for management this Policy.

This special dispensation shall be valid up to 15th May 2020 and be operated through the assurance mode.

This has been issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Government of West Bengal vide no Group-O/2020-2021/0002 dated 01.04.2020.

Sd/- Principal Secretary
Health & Family Welfare Department

No. HF-3085 dated 01.04.2020, Source