
Introduction of HRMS in all Offices of Govt. of West Bengal


Government of West Bengal has decided to switch over to Online Human Resource Management System (HRMS), in the field of establishment matter, from present manual process.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 1242-F(Y) Date: 01/03/2017

The Addl. Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary All Departments

Sub: Introduction of HRMS in all offices of Government of West Bengal


You may be aware that after successful implementation of financial transaction related sub modules of IFMS i.e. e-bantan, e-pradan, CTS, e-billing and pay roll, Government of WB has decided to switch over to Online Human Resource Management System (HRMS), in the field of establishment matter, from present manual process practised across the state.

2. Accordingly development of various sub modules under HRMS have been completed and deployed in live server for use of various Departments. Some of the Departments have already started to work with those sub modules in their establishment successfully.

3. Training: The training of Main Master Trainers of four (4) sub modules of HRMS i.e. Stakeholders, Leave, Loan and T.A. D.A have already been completed. Administrative Departments and District Magistrates have also been requested to complete the training of Additional Master trainers and Users (staff and Officers) within 28/02/2017.

4. Several other sub-modules of HRMS would be deployed soon and training imparted to Main Master Trainers. It is requested that the Nodal Officers of your department may be instructed to closely monitor the implementation of various sub-modules and to ensure that training to Additional Master trainers and Users (staff and Officers) is imparted within 7 days of training imparted to Main Master Trainers. The offices may further be instructed to use the sub-modules pro-actively.

5. In above circumstances I would like to request you to kindly take necessary steps to direct all offices under their jurisdiction to immediately complete Stake holder Sub-module and start using other sub modules. The State Government is contemplating to make use of above mentioned four (4) sub modules mandatory w.e.f. 01/04/2017 and other sub-modules would be made mandatory within 1 month of their introduction.

Yours faithfully,

(Parwez Ahmad Siddiqui)
Finance Department

No. 1242-F dated 01.03.2017, Source