
Issue of Laminated Identity Cards to the State Govt. Employees


Separate proforma to be submitted for requisition of Red & Yellow Identity Cards. All proforma should be submitted in duplicate. Name of the Deptt. should be written on the top of every page.



No. 5786-P/6I-03/10, Dated: 18.07.2012

From: S.S. Pradhan, Assistant Secretary.

To: ACS/ Pr. Secy./ Secy., P.W.Deptt., Writers’ Buildings etc.

Sub: Issue of Laminated Identity Cards.

In continuation of this Department’s Order No. 5104-P/6I-03/10, dated 08.07.2011, on the subject noted above, the undersigned is directed to state that at the time of forwarding the Identity Card particulars of the employees the following are to be maintained:

1. The proforma for application of Identity Cards should be typed in (preferably in CAPITAL LETTERS). Handwritten proforma will not be considered.

2. Separate proforma to be submitted for requisition of Red & Yellow Identity Cards.

3. All proforma should be submitted in duplicate.

4. Name of the Deptt. should be written on the top of every page.

Sd/- Assistant Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 5786-P dated 18.07.2012

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