Where both the Works Division and Resource Division is under the jurisdiction of same treasury, the fund may be transferred by submission of bill at the Treasury/ PAO.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 1888-F(Y) Dated: 29/03/2017
Sub: Issue of Order Cheque for Payment to Resource Division
Letter of Credit (LOC) system has been discontinued w.e.f. 01.04.2015 vide G.O No. 736-F(Y) dated- 10.02.2015 to bring all the transaction of the Works/ Forest Division of the West Bengal at par with the Treasury system upon introduction of IFMS. The process of distribution of fund from the Service head to Resource Division for bulk purchase of stores etc. has been mentioned in the said order. But confusion has been arised regarding the process of distribution of fund from the Deposit Account of the Works division to the Deposit Account of Resource Division for bulk purchase.
After careful consideration of all the aspects the Governor is pleased to direct that:-
1) Where both the Works Division and Resource Division is under the jurisdiction of same treasury, the fund may be transferred by the Works Division to the Deposit Account of Resource Division by submission of bill at the Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office.
2) Where the Works Division and Resource Division fall under the jurisdiction of different treasury, “Order Cheque” may be issued by Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office in favour of the Resource Division on submission of bill by Works Division. Resource Division shall on receipt of the cheque, deposit the same through Treasury challan in the concerned Treasury linked bank for credit into the Deposit Account.
This order shall take effect immediately. All other condition as stated in G.O No. 736-F(Y) dated- 10.02.2015 & 2705-F(Y) dated- 30.03.2015 shall remain unchanged.
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal