Unified Schedule of Rates of Irrigation and Waterways Department, West Bengal

Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department
Jalasampad Bhavan, 1st Floor, Western Block
Bidhannagar, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091

No. 350(9)/SIW Dated, 19th January, 2018

From: Shri G.K Chattopadhyay,
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
& Chairman, Departmental Unified Schedule of Rates Revision Committee
Irrigation & Waterways Department

To: 1. Chief Engineer (South)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

2. Chief Engineer (West)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

3. Chief Engineer (South West)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

4. Chief Engineer (North)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

5. Chief Engineer (Design & Research)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

6. Chief Engineer
Teesta Barrage Project
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

7. Director of Personnel & Ex-officio Chief Engineer
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

8. Chief Engineer (North East)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

9. Project Director & Ex-officio Chief Engineer
West Bengal Major Irrigation and Flood Management Project (WBMIFMP)
Irrigation & Waterways Directorate

Sub: Publication of the ‘Unified Schedule of Rates’ (USoR) of Irrigation & Waterways Department.

A ‘Departmental Unified Schedule of Rates Revision Committee’ was constituted vide Irrigation & Waterways Department Order No. 19-(W)/2017-18 dated 20.11.2017 and communicated through Memo No. 453-IB on even date. The committee headed by the undersigned has prepared a ‘Departmental Unified Schedule of Rates and had recently submitted the same to the Department.

The Government in the Irrigation & Waterways Department has accepted the recommendations of the ‘Unified Schedule of Rates Revision Committee’ vide Memo No. 544-IB dated 10.1.2018. In addition, the general guidelines for adopting of Departmental Unified Schedule of Rates, the applicability of the ‘Combined Schedule of Rates’ of Public Works Department is also defined in the preamble of the Departmental Unified Schedule of Rates.

This Unified Schedule of Rates is brought into effect from 19.01.2018 (19th January 2018) for all works under the Irrigation & Waterways Department, in supersession to all existing “Schedule of Rates” of various Circle offices being used at present.

The Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell is requested to upload the Departmental Unified Schedule of Rates of Irrigation & Waterways Department in a separately designated link in the Departmental website today itself. Booklet with soft copies in Compact Discs of the Unified Schedule of Rates of Irrigation & Waterways Department is being enclosed for your information and forwarding to all the Superintending Engineers.

All concerned are being informed.

Enclo: Hard copy in Booklet form and Soft Copy of USoR

Secretary & Chairman, Departmental Unified
Schedule of Rates Revision Committee
Irrigation & Waterways Department


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