Establishment of ‘Kabigan Academy’ Center
Governor is pleased to establish a Centre ‘Kabigan Academy’ under the administrative control of Backward Classes Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
Governor is pleased to establish a Centre ‘Kabigan Academy’ under the administrative control of Backward Classes Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
KOLKATA-700 091
No. 1642-BCW/6S-08/2012 (Pt.II) Kolkata, the 20th May, 2016.
Whereas it is considered expedient to establish a Centre, the Governor is hereby pleased to establish a Centre ‘Kabigan Academy’ with its Registered Office at Bongaon, North 24 Parganas, under the administrative control of Backward Classes Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal. ‘Kabigan Academy’ has been registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 (West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961).
1. The aims and objects of the Centre shall be:
(a) to effectively organize the cultural activities of Kabigan;
(b) to sustain, promote, organize the cultural activities of Kabigan;
(c) to recognize the contributions of the genuine kabi-sarkars and the Musicians associated with the Kabigan performing art;
(d) to organize Arangs (Fairs) on different locations;
(e) to document history, events, performances of Kabigan and allied matters by traditional, digital and other methods;
(f) to produce the events of these cultural activities in discs, films and developing new technological forms;
(g) to affiliate with universities, colleges and other institutions to conduct studies, courses etc.;
(h) to establish Schools, Colleges, Research Centers and other educational institutes, library, reading rooms, hostels etc. with scientific aids;
(i) to organize seminars, workshops, meets, meetings etc.;
(j) to build stadia, halls, museums, collection centers and other infrastructure;
(k) to open branches, chapters, facilities, units etc. to enlarge the activities of the Centre;
(l) to publish journals, monographs, bulletins, pamphlets, books etc.;
(m) to organize Human Resources Development activities including training programmes and award Diplomas and Certificates to successful participants for fulfilment of the objects of the Centre;
(n) to encourage and support organizations and societies of similar objectives;
(o) to collaborate and associate with similar societies;
(p) to promote international understanding and brotherhood through the activities of the Centre;
(q) to undertake any other activities conducive to the objectives of the centre.
2. The following shall be authorities of the Centre:
a) General Council and
b) Executive Council.
3. General Council.-
(a) The General Council consisting of not more than thirteen (13) members to be nominated by the Government shall be constituted as follows:
i) Chairperson – Minister-in-Charge, BCW Department, Govt. of W.B.;
ii) Vice-Chairperson – Secretary, BCW Department, Govt. of W.B.;
iii) Member- Secretary – Commissioner, BCW Directorate;
iv) Member Joint Secretary, BCW Department, Govt. of W.B.;
v) Member – District Magistrate, North 24 Pgs;
vi) Member P.O. cum D.W.O., BCW, North 24 Pgs;
vii) Member – SDO, Bongaon;
viii) Member – MLA, Bongaon (North);
ix) Member – MD, W.B. SC & ST Dev. & Fin. Corporation;
x) Member – MD, W.B. Tribal Dev. Co-operative Corporation Ltd.;
xi) Member – MD, W.B. Backward Classes Dev. & Fin. Corporation;
xii) Member BDO, Bongaon;
xiii) Member – Backward Classes Welfare Officer, Bongaon;
(b) Meeting of the General Council.-
The General Council shall ordinarily meet at least twice a year on date, time and place to be fixed by the Member – Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson and shall
i) adopt the Annual Report of the preceding year;
ii) pass the audited accounts and budget estimates; and
iii) transact any business as will be placed in the agenda as suggested by the executive council.
(c) Extra-ordinary Meeting.-
An extra-ordinary meeting of the General Council may be called by the Member – Secretary, in consultation with the Chairperson and at the advice of the Executive Council when needed to transact any special business or at the requisition signed by at least eight (8) members of the Centre. The Chairperson shall convey the meeting within thirty (30) days from the date of the receipt of such requisition. If the requisitioned meeting fails to attain quorum, it will not be adjourned and will be treated as failed.
Notice of the place, date and hour of any meeting and of the business to be transacted shall be issued to the members of the Centre at least seven (7) days before the fixed date.
(d) The following procedures shall be applicable to all the meetings of the General Council.-
(i) One-third of the members shall constitute the quorum. If there be no quorum, the Meeting shall stand postponed to a date fixed by the Chairperson. A fresh notice shall be issued and if there be no quorum again those present shall be competent to transact business.
(ii) The Chairperson or in his absence the Vice-Chairperson shall take the Chair. If neither the Chairperson nor the Vice-Chairperson be present, the members present shall elect a President for the Meeting from amongst them and transact the business.
(e) The power and duties of the General Council shall as follows.-
(i) to provide guidelines of the activities of the Centre in conformity with the objects defined;
(ii) to consider and adopt Annual Report of the Centre;
(iii) to consider and approve audited accounts and the budget estimates;
(iv) to appoint auditor for auditing annual accounts.
4. Executive Council.-
(a) The Executive Council consisting of not more than nine (9) members shall be constituted by the Government from amongst the member of the General Council, namely,-
(i) Chairperson – District Magistrate, North 24 Pgs;
(ii) Member-Secretary – P.O. cum D.W.O., BCW, North 24 Pgs;
(iii) Vice-Chairperson – SDO, Bongaon;
(iv) Member – MLA, Bongaon (North);
(v) Member – MD, W.B. SC & ST Dev. & Finance Corporation;
(vi) Member – MD, W.B. Tribal Dev. Co-operative Corporation Ltd;
(vii) Member – MD, W.B. Backward Classes Dev. & Fin. Corporation;
(viii) Member – BDO, Bongaon;
(ix) Member – Backward Classes Welfare Officer, Bongaon;
Provided that the State Government in the Backward Classes Welfare Department may nominate such other persons as it may consider necessary for smooth and proper functioning of the Centre as members of the Executive Council, who will also be members of the General Council.
(b) Meeting of the Executive Council:
(i) the Executive Council shall ordinarily meet four times in a year and the quorum of such meeting shall be three (3);
(ii) an extra-ordinary meeting of the Executive Council may be called at the requisition of at least 6 members of the Executive Council to transact any special business. The requisitioned meeting shall be convened within fifteen (15) days of receipt of such requisition. If the requisitioned meeting fails to attain quorum, it will not be adjourned and will be treated as failed;
(iii) notice of all meetings of the Executive Council shall be issued at least seven (7) days before the date fixed for such meeting.
(c) The power and duties of the Executive Council shall be as follows.-
(i) to manage, the affairs of the Centre and for this purpose to constitute committees and/or sub-committees consisting of the members of the Centre and to frame and adopt such regulations, bye-laws and pass such orders as may appear conducive to and necessary for the efficient administration of the Centre and the attainment of these objects provided that such regulations shall not be repugnant to this resolution and shall be reported to the General Council;
(ii) to prepare and place before the General Council the annual report, the audited accounts and the budget estimates;
(iii) to manage all the movable and the immovable properties belonging to the centre;
(iv) to acquire and accept in the name of the Centre any property (movable and the immovable) articles, donations and gifts;
(v) to keep accounts audited and the budget estimates prepared, to do all other acts and deeds as shall be necessary and relevant in furtherance to the objects of the centre;
(vi) to pay out of funds belonging to the centre or out of any particular part of such fund, the expenses incurred by the centre from time to time including expenses for the formation of the centre and the management of administration of the foregoing objects, including all rents, rates and taxes, outgoings and salaries, allowances including fringe benefits of the employees to be fixed in consultation with the Government.
(d) The Executive Council shall exercise the power as mentioned above subject to all directives as may be issued by the State Government in BCW Department from time to time.
(e) All the properties belonging to the Centre shall be deemed to be vested in the Executive Council but should be referred to as the properties of the Centre.
5. The State Government in the Backward Classes Welfare Department shall make provision of fund for providing financial assistance to the centre.
6. Any member who is not a member in the ex-officio capacity shall cease to be a member of the centre if he or she fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the General Council.
7. Dissolution of the Centre.-
The Centre may be dissolved in accordance with the provision under section 24 and 27 of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. In the event of dissolution after satisfaction of all its liabilities, all the assets including movable and immovable properties whatsoever that remains, shall vest in the State Government who shall decide the future use of them.
8. The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961, (West Ben. Act XXVI of 1961) shall apply to this centre.
9. All matters related to Governing the Centre will be governed and guided by terms and conditions as laid down in the “Memorandum of Association” & “Regulations of the Centre”.
Ordered that the Resolution be published in the “Kolkata Gazette” and be circulated to all concerned.
By order of the Governor,
Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.