Women Development and Social Welfare, Kanyashree
Kanyashree Prakalpa is a conditional cash transfer scheme under the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare with the aim of improving the status and well being of the girl child in West Bengal.
Download: Application Form K1*
Download: Application Form K2**
*K1: For Annual Scholarship only & to be used at School
**K2: For One Time Grant only for Girls Completing 18 Years on or after 01.04.2013
Government of West Bengal
Women Development and Social Welfare Department
Women Welfare Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001
No. 2677-SW/3W-22/13, Dated: 13.08.2013
The Governor is pleased hereby to announce the Kanyashree Prakalpa 2013, a conditional cash transfer scheme under the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal with the aim of improving the status and well being of the girl child in West Bengal by incentivizing schooling of all teenage girls and delaying their marriages until the age of 18, the legal age of marriage.
1. Short Title & Commencement:
(1). The scheme may be called Kanyashree Prakalpa 2013.
(2). This may come into force from 1st October 2013.
2. Definitions
In this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1). “Enrolled in an Institution of Education or Training” means
a. Enrolled in Classes VIII to XII in a school which is recognized by the government
b. Enrolled in Secondary and/ or Higher Secondary Courses in an open school which is affiliated/ accredited/ recognized by the government
c. Enrolled in Classes VIII to XII in a “Madrassah” which is affiliated/ accredited/ recognized by the government
d. Enrolled in a course in a Vocational Training Center or a Technical Training Institute which is affiliated/ accredited/ recognized by government
e. Enrolled at a Sports training Institute which is affiliated/ accredited/ recognized by the government.
(2). “Enrolled in an Institution of Higher Education” means enrolled in any form of education or learning after Class XII.
(3). “J. J. Home” means any home that is registered under the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
3. Benefits
There shall be two types of Benefits:
(1). Annual scholarship of Rs. 500/-
(2). One-Time Grant of Rs. 25,000/-
4. Eligibility Criteria for Scholarship
The eligibility criteria for receiving scholarship will be the following:
(1). Age of the applicant should be between 13 and 18 years
(2). The applicant is not married
(3). The applicant is enrolled between class VIII and XII and regularly attending an institution of education or vocational training.
(4). The annual family income of the applicant is less than Rupees 1,20,000/- but is waived if the applicant has lost both parents or is physically handicapped.
5.Eligibility Criteria for One-time Grant
The eligibility criteria for receiving the One-time grant will be the following:
(1). The applicant must have completed 18 years on or after 1st April ‘2013 but not completed 19 years during the time of application.
(2). The applicant is pursuing education, vocational training or sports activity or is an inmate of any home registered under J.J.Act.
(3). The applicant is not married.
(4). The annual family income of the applicant is less than Rupees 1,20,000/- but is waived if the applicant has lost both parents or is physically handicapped or is an inmate of home registered under J.J. Act.
6. Documents Required
Any undertakings or declarations given by the applicant’s parent/ guardian can be on ordinary paper countersigned by the appropriate certifying authority. The following documents are required to avail the benefits of the scheme:
(1) Copy of Birth Certificate issued by Municipal or Panchayat authorities and attested by the appropriate certifying authorities or certificate of age issued by the Head of Institution of education or training or institution of higher education or Home registered under J.J. Act where the girl is enrolled.
(2) Declaration by applicant’s parents or guardians in case of scholarship and by applicant in case of one-time grant to the effect that she remains unmarried at the date of application, attested by appropriate certifying authority.
(3) Declaration of family income by applicant’s parents or guardians attested by appropriate authority. This declaration not required in case the applicant has lost both parents or is physically handicapped or is an inmate of Home registered under J.J. Act.
(4) Certificate issued by the Head of Institution of education or training or Institution of higher education or sports organization or Superintendent of Home registered under J.J. Act, declaring her enrolment in the institution.
(5) Declaration by guardian in case applicant has lost both parents, attested by appropriate certifying authority.
(6) Copy of Handicapped certificate, if applicable
7. Appropriate Certifying Authority
Undertakings or declarations made by the applicant or applicant’s parents/guardians may be certified by any of the following:
(1). Group A Officer of State Government or of the Government of India who is either posted in the area, or is a resident of the area.
(2). Member of Parliament, Member of Legislature of the area of residence of the applicant.
(3). Councillor of ward of Municipal areas, Gram Panchayat Pradhan of the area of residence of the applicant.
8. Payment Mode
The Scholarship or One-Time grant will be paid to the beneficiaries by way of fund transfer through a bank account only. For minor girl joint bank account will be preferably under the guardianship of mother/female guardian.
(1). Having a bank account in the applicant’s name is not a pre-requisite at the time of applying for either of the Scheme’s benefits. Once an application is approved, the applicant will be helped in opening and operating a bank account by the banking partner).
(2). The implementation will be through lead bank system at state, district and block level.
9. Management Structures
State, district, Kolkata Municipal Corporation and block level Steering and Monitoring Committees shall be established to steward the Scheme in their respective areas. For the District of Darjeeling, there will be two District Steering and Monitoring Committees, one for Gorkhaland Territorial Authority and the other for non-GTA areas
(1). The Scheme will be implemented by Project Management Units, with one unit at the State level, and one in each district in West Bengal. The District-level Project Management teams will function under the supervision of the State Project Management Unit.
(2). The SPMU will be established within West Bengal Women Development Undertaking under the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare, and be composed of a State Project Manager (Kanyashree), a Deputy Project Manager (Kanyashree) and an Accounts Officer, to be appointed either from regular service or senior Consultants on contract. They will be assisted by accountants-cum-data managers who must be proficient in common office applications, especially word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and accounting software, to be appointed on contract.
(3). In all districts, with the exception of Kolkata, the DPMU shall be established under the office of the District Magistrate. In Kolkata, the DPMU will be established under the office of Commissioner, Social Welfare. For the district of Darjeeling, there will be two District Project Management Units, one for GTA and the other for non GTA areas. The former will be established under the office of Principal Secretary GTA and the latter under the office of District Magistrate, Darjeeling.
(4). There will be one Project Manager, to be appointed from regular services or on contract and one Accountant, to be appointed on contract for each such Project Management Unit, in addition to at least two accounts cum data managers, on contract.
10. Appointments
All new appointments will be made for 3 years on probation basis from qualified persons or retired Government employees
By order of the Governor,
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal