
About Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal

Women Development and Social Welfare, 👁️ 557

An unmarried girl child who is 13 to 18 years old and reading in class VIII/IX/XI/XII will get annual scholarship of Rs. 750/- if annual income of her family is upto Rs. 1.2 Lac.

Update: The revised amount of Annual Scholarship will be Rs. 1000/-. This scholarship amount will be given from 2018-19 Financial Year. Kanyashree Prakalpa Application Form

1. Under Kanyashree Prakalpa an unmarried girl child who is 13 to 18 years old and reading in any recognized school in class VIII/IX/XI/XII will get annual scholarship of Rs. 500/- if annual income of her both parents is upto Rs. 1,20,000/-. Eligible girl students will apply in K1 Form available from her Institution. Who have already received annual scholarship in the last year and have ID need not apply afresh in K1 Form in the successive years. In the successive years the head of the Institution will recommend their names for annual scholarship to the District Magistrate through the Sub-divisional Officer/ Block Development Officer.

2. A girl student born on or after 01.04.1995 and turned 18 years and below 19 years and has prayed before turning 19 years will be eligible for getting one time grant of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) if she remains unmarried and continues her education/ Vocational course/ Sports training and if annual income of her parents is upto Rs. 1,20,000/- (Rupees one lakh twenty thousand only). Eligible girl students will apply in K2 forms available from her Institution.

3. Eligible girl students will submit filled in K1/K2 forms in their respective educational Institution.

4. There will be no upper limit of annual income of parents if the girl child is with Disability/ if both of her parents are dead/if she is an inmate of J.J.Act home.

5. Documents to be submitted along with application form ( K1, K2 ):-

a) Passport size photo.
b) Age proof certificate
c) Certificate regarding marital status.
d) Income certificate.
e) certificate from head of the educational Institution regarding age and educational qualification.

6. Documents as mentioned above should be duly attested by Gazetted Officer /MP/MLA/Counsellor/Pradhan of G.P.