Higher Education, Public Service Commission, School Education, Lecturer , Principal , Recruitment
The method of and qualifications required for recruitment to the posts of Principal and Lecturer in the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Primary Branch
No. 27-SE(P)/4P-19/03 Dated: 10.01.2012
In exercise of the power conferred by the provision to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules in supersession of all previous rules on the subject regulating recruitment to the posts of Principal and Lecturer in the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.
The method of and qualifications required for recruitment to the posts of Principal and Lecturer in the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), under the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal shall be detailed as below:-
A. Method of recruitment: By selection (direct recruitment) through the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
B. Qualification for direct recruitment:
i) A Master’s Degree of two years duration (regular) course, with Honours at Graduation level, having at least 55% marks from a recognized University in any school teaching subject.
ii) M.Ed./ M.Ed.(Elementary) with 55% marks or M.A. in Education with 55% marks along with Diploma/ Degree in Primary/ Elementary Education with 55% marks – all from recognized University/ Institute.
iii) Five year’s experience of teaching in Primary or Elementary Teachers’ Training Institute.
iv) Knowledge of the language which is used as a medium of instruction in the concerned Institution – Spoken and Written.
(Appointing authority would indicate the language of instruction in the requisition for advertisement.)
v) Acquisition of computer Literacy.
C. Age: Not more than 42 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement, relaxable upto 5 years for candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes and 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC.
A. Method of recruitment: By selection (direct recruitment) through the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
B. Qualification for direct recruitment:
i) For Foundation Courses – M.Ed./ M.Ed.(Elementary) with 55% marks or M.A. in Education with 55% marks along with Diploma/ Degree in Primary/ Elementary, Education with 55% marks – all from recognized University/ Institute.
ii) For Methodological Courses – A Master’s Degree of two years duration (regular) course, with Honours at Graduation level, having at least 55% marks from a recognized University in any school teaching subject and Diploma/ Degree in Education/ Primary Education with 55% marks from a recognized University.
iii) Knowledge of the language which is used as a medium of instruction in the concerned Institution – Spoken and Written.
(Appointing authority would indicate the language of instruction in the requisition for advertisement.)
v) Acquisition of computer Literacy.
C. Age: Not more than 32 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement, relaxable upto 5 years for candidate belonging to SC/ ST and 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC.
By order of the Governor
Principal Secy. to the Government of West Bengal