
List of Holidays in Primary Schools in West Bengal for 2023

School Education,

I am directed to forward herewith the aforementioned Memo of the Department of School Education along with the approved Holiday List for the academic year 2023.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II. Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 2088(24)/WBBPE/2022 Date: 09/12/2022

The Chairman/ Chairperson
District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council
All Districts

Sub: Forwarding the approved list of holidays in primary schools under DPSC/ PSC for the academic year 2023

Ref: Memo of the Department of School Education No. 536-ES(EE)/SED-13037/16/2022-ELEMN Sec., dated: 07/12/2022


With reference to the above, I am directed to forward herewith the aforementioned Memo of the Department of School Education along with the approved Holiday List for the academic year 2023.

You are requested to take up appropriate action for communication of the same to all concerned and schools under your council.

Enclosure: As stated

Sincerely yours,

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
