
List of Banks to Conduct State Government Business

Finance, 👁️ 418

Reserve Bank of India, Department of Government & Bank Accounts, Central Office, Mumbai has from time to time authorised the following Banks to conduct State Government Business in West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 9668-F(Y), Dated: 30.11.2012.


At present the Reserve Bank of India, Public Accounts Department, Kolkata is acting as the ‘Agency Bank’ of the Government of West Bengal. In addition, the Reserve Bank of India, Department of Government & Bank Accounts, Central Office, Mumbai has from time to time authorised the following Banks to conduct State Government Business in West Bengal:

Sl No.Name of the BanksSl No.Name of the Banks
1Allahabad Bank15Punjab & Sind Bank
2Axis Bank Ltd16Punjab National Bank
3Bank of Baroda17Syndicate Bank
4Bank of India18State Bank of India
5Bank of Maharashtra19State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
6Canara Bank20State Bank of Hyderabad
7Central Bank of India21State Bank of Mysore
8Dena Bank22State Bank of Patiala
9HDFC Bank Ltd23State Bank of Travancore
10ICICI Bank Ltd24UCO Bank
11IDBI Bank25Union Bank
12Indian Bank26United Bank of India
13Indian Overseas Bank27Vijaya Bank
14Oriental Bank of Commerce

There shall be no change in the existing ‘Agency-Bank-Branches’ linked with the Pay & Accounts Offices and Treasuries.

The State Government Offices may nominate any Branch of the above mentioned Bank as Modal Bank for e-Payment.

The State Government Departments may maintain bank account in the above mentioned authorised banks subject to the following conditions:

The proposal for State Government Receipts/Deposits in the Bank other than Treasury-linked Bank shall be sent by the Administrative Department to the Finance Department with regard to the modalities of flow of fund from the concerned Bank to State Exchequer.

If the fund is from (i) any source other than the Government of West Bengal and maintenance of bank account in any of the authorised banks is a precondition of getting the fund or (ii) Government of West Bengal with provision of maintaining separate bank account for smooth implementation of the project, then specific proposal shall be sent to Finance Department in terms of this Department Memorandum No. 675-F dated 22nd January 2008 for approval.

Subject to approval of the competent authority, the Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Corporations of the State Government may open/maintain bank account in the above mentioned banks.

Sd/-H. K. Dwivedi
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 9668-F dated 30.11.2012

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