It has been observed that coordination problems still persist between Civil and Electrical wings of PWD, with regard to existing installations in old buildings. The new buildings are being maintained by Civil wing only.
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Works Branch
Nabanna, 8th floor
Howrah – 711102
No. 617-W(C)/1M-254/16 Date: December 8, 2016
Sub: Maintenance of water supply systems by Civil wing of PWD
Several procedures were prescribed vide this office memorandum No. 379-W(C)/1M-254/16 dt. 8/7/2016, regarding all new projects/ buildings requiring installation of tubewells and allied plumbing works in order to mitigate the coordination issues between Civil and Electrical wings of PWD in construction and maintenance of tubewells in Government buildings.
Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Principal Secretary
Public Works Department