
Mandatory Documents for Admission to Class V

School Education,

Documents needed for Admission to Class V in all Schools under WBBSE:- a) Birth Certificate with Birth Registration Number and b) Primary School leaving Certificate.

West Bengal of Board of Secondary Education
“Nivedita Bhawan”, DJ-8, Sec-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091

Date: 28.09.2016


It is hereby notified to all concerned that the following documents are mandatory for admission to Class V in all Schools under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education:-

a) Birth Certificate with Birth Registration Number, issued by the appropriate authority
b) Primary School leaving Certificate

It has come to the notice of the Board that certain Persons/ Institutions are violating the stipulated admissions Regulations for unscrupulous purposes. These activities on detection will attract severe panel action from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.

Sd/- Nabanita Chatterjee
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

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