
Mandatory Prescription of Combination Drugs in Generic Names

Health, , 👁️ 183

Doctors are to prescribe combination drugs with two molecules in generic names in the OPD, IPD and also in emergency department in the interest of better patient care services.

Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
TDE Branch
Swasthya Bhavan, GN-29
Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

No. HF/O/TDE/68/5S-01/13 Dated, Kolkata 28.01.2015


Mandatory prescription of drug in generic name to the patients in public health facilities was a State policy since sometimes past and relevant Govt order has been issued H/TDE/67/5S-01/13 dated 18.01.2013 with direction to all doctor to prescribe in generic name in the OPD/IPD and emergency. Generation of prescription for combination drugs was however excluded from that directive.

Since the combination drugs with two basic molecules are mostly available in the public facilities under free drug policy in the Govt Stores and also in the Fair Price Medicine Shops, the combination drugs with two fundamental molecules are included with the direction to the attending doctors to prescribe combination drugs with two molecules in generic in the OPD, IPD and also in emergency department in the interest of better patient care services.

Sd/- Special Secretary

No. HF-68 dated 28.01.2015, Source

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