
Percentage of Marks Calculation while D.El.Ed. Admission

School Education,

Total marks obtained should be the aggregate of the best five including at least one Language compulsorily, but excluding EVS if it is not one of the elective subjects.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 829/BPE/2016 Date: 10-06-2016


Rules & Regulations for Admission to Two Year D. El. Ed. Course in the Session – 2016 – 2018

Please refer to Instruction- ‘J’ under Regulation-10 (“How to fill in the application form“) of Rules & Regulations for Admission to Two Year D. El. Ed. Course in the Session – 2016-2018 and the Example & Notes under it in the Brochure, published and distributed by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

Now, replace the Example and the Notes with these, given below:

For J, the name of the examination should be Higher Secondary or as mentioned in the Mark-sheet of other recognized Boards or Councils. The total marks obtained should be the aggregate of the best five including at least one Language compulsorily, but excluding EVS if it is not one of the elective subjects. However, such inclusion/ exclusion of the ‘other’ language will not arise if there are the marks of only five subjects, mentioned in the mark sheet of the H.S. or its equivalent examination, passed by the applicant, excluding EVS if it is not one of the elective subjects.

For example: A student has passed the Higher Secondary Examination with following scores:

1st Language – 52
2nd Language – 81
Political Science – 68
Geography – 82
History – 62
Philosophy (Optional Elective) – 74
EVS – 88

Now the calculation of percentage shall be made on the basis of the best five scores, e.g.

{(82+81 + 74+68+62)/5} = 367/5 = 73.4%


(i) The marks of EVS has not been taken for calculation of percentage as in the example given above EVS is not an elective subject.

(ii) 52 in the 1st Language has not been considered since the better of the two language scores has to be taken.

(iii) If the score in the other language comes within zone of consideration under the best five norms, the other language should also be calculated as one of the four subjects (e.g. L + S1, S2, S3, & S4).

(iv) An applicant must have studied two languages at the ‘+2’ Level, including English.

(v) An Applicant seeking admission to a Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali medium institution must have studied Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali at the ‘+2’ Level as one of the compulsory subjects with 100 marks.

The Heads of the DIETs, Government, Government Sponsored, Government Aided, Self-financed Nongovernment Unaided PTTIs are hereby informed accordingly and requested to go by this calculation-norms in lieu of the previously circulated one and submit the merit-lists for approval as per the given schedule.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 829/BPE dated 10.06.2016

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