Measles Rubella Vaccination Campaign in West Bengal, 2023
Rubella infection in pregnant women disables a child for life with Congenital Rubella Syndrome that max result in deafness, blindness and heart defects.
Rubella infection in pregnant women disables a child for life with Congenital Rubella Syndrome that max result in deafness, blindness and heart defects.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan
GN-29, Seetor-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091
No. 308(3)-Secy(HFW) 2022 Date: 11/11/2022
From: Secretary,
Health & Family Welfare Department
To: 1. Secretary, Department of Tribal Development
2. Secretary, Department of Backward Class Welfare
3. Secretary, Department of Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education
Sub:- Measles Rubella Campaign of West Bengal.
You are aware that Measles is one of the major causes of childhood mortality and morbidity in India. Rubella infection in pregnant women disables a child for life with Congenital Rubella Syndrome that max result in deafness, blindness and heart defects. Our country is committed to eliminate Measles and control Rubella Congenital Rubella Syndrome.
As part of the key elimination strategy, Measles Rubella vaccination campaign is rescheduled to be held in West Bengal from 9th January 2023 to 11th February 2023 (except Darjeeling GTA area and Kalimpong, where it will start from 15th February 2023 and will end on 18th March 2023). A successful campaign will involve vaccination of all children of age group 9 months to less than 15 years in all districts and urban areas of the state, and the state government is fully committed to do so. The campaign will be initially school based, followed by community based. Hence active participation and cooperation of Tribal Development, BCW and MAME at every level is highly required for successful implementation of the program.
In this regard I will like to have support of your department on following aspects –
Necessary direction from your end may kindly be issued to the concerned officers for their active participation and support.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Secretary
Health & Family Welfare Department
No. 308-Secy dated 11.11.2022, Source