
Medical Advance for Outdoor Treatment under WBHS


West Bengal Health Scheme allows to draw medical advance for outdoor treatments relating to B-thallasaemia, Hepatitis C and Carcinoma including Multiple Mycloma.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 7168-F(MED), Dated: 06.09.2013.


At present the State Government employees, enrolled under the West Bengal Health Scheme 2008, are allowed to draw medical advance for indoor treatment in terms of the provision laid down under clause 15 of Finance Department notification no. 7287-F dated 19.09.08 read with clause 11 of Finance Department memo. No. 3474-F dated 11.05.09.

Now on the basis of the requests from various corners, the Government has been considering from some time past to allow advance relating to outdoor treatment for certain diseases like B-thallasaemia, Hepatitis C and Carcinoma including Multiple Mycloma. The West Bengal Health Scheme Authority has also recommended in favour of this.

Accordingly, the Governor is pleased to order that the State Government employees enrolled under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 may be allowed to draw medical advance for outdoor treatments relating to B-thallasaemia, Hepatitis C and Carcinoma including Multiple Mycloma subject to the following conditions:

(i) The advance shall not exceed 80% of the estimated cost as furnished by the recognized hospital.

(ii) Such estimate should be prepared by the recognized hospital for a period not exceeding 60 days calculating item wise probable expenditure e.g. doctor’s fees, investigation charges, cost of medicines etc. Doctor’s note/ prescription should also be furnished along with the estimate.

(iii) The advance shall be adjusted against admissible cost of treatment and excess if any shall be refunded by the employee. If such treatment is not received within 60 days of receipt of advance, the entire advance shall be refunded by the employee on the expiry of this period.

(iv) Subsequent advance, if required, may be allowed only after adjustment of the previous one.

This will take immediate effect.

By order of the Governor,

Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 7168-F dated 06.09.2013, Source