If any seat under General Category falls/remains vacant after the last date of admission, the candidate with rank immediate next to the last cut-off rank and so on will be selected for admission from the General Waiting List.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan DK 7/1, Sector II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091
No. 827(60)/BPE/2015 Date: 17.06.2015
To The Principal/Lecturer-in-Charge All DIETs/Government/Govt. Sponsored/Govt. Aided P.T.T.I
Sub: How to prepare the Merit List for approval step by step
You are requested to:
1) Verify all the filled-in Admission Forms submitted to your Institution making a note of undistributed forms with their serial nos. if any;
2) Prepare a list of forms cancelled on verification with reasons;
3) Make a statement with Sl. No. of valid forms plus Sl. No. of invalid forms plus Sl. No. of undistributed forms, if any = Total Nos. of forms issued;
4) Out of the total valid forms take out valid forms of the Vocational Category candidates, those of the Deputed Teachers, appointed before 03-09-2001 (if any) and those of the Ex-servicemen (if any) and prepare the lists with Sl. Nos. of forms under Vocational Category, Ex-servicemen Category and Deputation Category;
5) Then prepare a Master Merit List of the remaining valid forms of the candidates;
6) From the Master Merit List take out the number from Rank-1 till the number required for the Unreserved/ General category for your institution, as selected candidates under Unreserved/General category;
7) Thereafter from the Master Merit List take out the forms of the candidates belonging to Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PH);
8) Then prepare Reserved Category-wise Merit Lists of the candidates in order of merit with Sl. No. of the forms;
9) For SC – 11, ST – 3, OBC-A – 5, OBC-B – 4 and PH – 2 will be selected for admission.
10) The remaining candidates under both Reserved and Un-reserved Categories will be treated as Wait Listed Candidates.
11) If any seat under General Category falls/remains vacant after the last date of admission, the candidate with rank immediate next to the last cut-off rank and so on will be selected for admission serially in descending order from the General Waiting List.
12) However, in case of Reserved Category, the same measure should be adopted, if any seat falls/remains vacant after the last date of admission;
13) In case of Vocational Category, rank immediate next to the last cut-off, and so on in descending order of the Merit List of Vocational Category will be selected from the Vocational Category Waiting List only.
You are further requested to submit the Merit lists on 22nd June, 2015 to this Board during the office hours along with a CD (soft copy in excel format) for verification and approval.
We shall handover the approved Merit Lists to the Institutions on & from 28th June, 2015 to 30th June, 2015 along with an order for admission.
The session of 2015-17 starts from 1st July, 2015. The process of admission must be completed within 15th July, 201522nd July, 2015.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi Secretary
The maximum number of seats in the deputation Category is 5 (10% of total seats). The maximum number of seats in the Ex-Servicemen is 3 (5% of the total seats). In case of the non-availability of candidates in both the Deputation and Ex-Servicemen categories, all the vacancies or the remaining vacancies (as the case may be) shall be filled-up from among the candidates under Unreserved/General Category in order of merit.
De-reservation and conversion as per rules shall apply (where applicable).
Format for preparation of Merit Lists, remains unchanged.