
Provision of Minimum Period of Time for Submission of Tender

Finance, 👁️ 906

Minimum period of time to be given to the bidders for submission of tenders should be counted from the date on which the notice inviting tender including e-tender is actually published in the newspaper(s).

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 3814-F(Y) Dated, Kolkata the 22nd July 2014


It has come to the notice of the State Government that the provision of minimum period of time for submission of tender as enjoined in note-3 below Rule 47(8) of WBFR, Volume-I since amended vide notification no. 5400-F(Y) dated 25th June 2012, is not being properly observed by the tender inviting authority.

2. It is reiterated that the provision of minimum period of time to be given to the bidders for submission of tenders should be counted from the date on which the notice inviting tender including e-tender is actually published in the newspaper(s) as per the criteria given in note-2 and note-3 below Rule 47(8) ibid.

3. Tender publication date is the date on which the advertisement actually appears in the newspapers wherein it should be specified that the bid needs to be submitted by the date to be fixed after allowing the minimum period of time for submission of bids according to the provision given in note-3 ibid. In case of publication of the NIT in more than one newspaper as per the provisions in note-2 below Rule 47(8) ibid, all the advertisements should appear simultaneously on the same day in all these newspapers.

4. For instance, in case of tender valued exceeding Rs. 1 crore, the date of submission of the tender should be fixed not earlier than 21 days to be counted from the date of publication of the tender notice in the newspaper(s). Likewise, the period should be counted according to the time schedule given at serial numbers (a) and (b) of note-3 below Rule 47(8) for submission of tender valued between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 1 Crore.

5. In case of e-tender, publication of brief referral advertisement in newspaper(s) and uploading of the notice including tender documents in the State Government e-tender portal shall be simultaneous on the same day in order to ensure that the tender documents are visible in the website https://wbtenders.gov.in as soon as the brief referral advertisement appears in the newspaper(s).

Sd/-H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3814-F dated 22.07.2014, Source