
Minimum Wages for Employees in Meat and Meat Products and Feed Plants

Labour, , 👁ī¸ 292

Governor is pleased to revise the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in respect of the employment in ‘Employment in meat and meat Products and feed Plants’, in the State of West Bengal.

Labour Department, M.W. Branch
New Secretariat Buildings, 12th Floor,
1, Kiran Sankar Ray Road, Kolkata- 700001

No. Labr/158/Law Dt. 17.03.2022


WHEREAS the proposal to revise the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in the State of West Bengal in the employment named ‘Employment in meat and meat Products and feed Plants’, was published as required by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), vide this Department notification No. Labr-328/Law dated 29th October, 2021, in the Kolkata Gazette. Extraordinary, Part-I, dated 8th November, 2021, for information and inviting objections and suggestions from the persons likely to be affected thereby, within two months from the date of its publication;

AND WHEREAS no objection or suggestion was received within the given period;

NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Governor, after considering the proposal and in consultation with the Minimum Wages Advisory Board for the State of West Bengal, is pleased hereby to revise the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in respect of the employment in ‘Employment in meat and meat Products and feed Plants’, in the State of West Bengal, as specified in the Schedule below:-

The Schedule

(1) The following shall be the monthly Minimum rates of Wages in respect of the following categories of Employees employed in the employment named ‘Employment in meat and meat Products and feed Plants’, in the state of West Bengal:-

Categories of EmployeesRates of Minimum Wages
UnskilledRs. 8,904.00
Semi-SkilledRs. 9,794.00
SkilledRs. 10,773.00
Highly SkilledRs. 11,850.00

(2) The classification of employees are as follows:-

A. For Meat Product Plant-

Unskilled Workers: –Production Assistant, Sweeper, Cleaner
Semi-skilled Workers:-Gardener, Lab Assistant, Operator, ETP Operator, Assistant Store Keeper, Halal Assistant, Cold Room Assistant
Skilled Workers: –Refrigeration Mechanic, Electrician, Welder cum Fitter, Boiler Operator, Store Keeper, Driver, Butcher, Junior Production Supervisor, Lab Technician, Office Assistant, Marketing Assistant
Highly Skilled Workers:-Production Supervisor, Dispatch Supervisor, Accountant

B. For Feed Plants –

Unskilled Workers: –Production Assistant, Sweeper, Cleaner
Semi-skilled Workers:-Gardener, Lab Assistant, Operator, Stitching Operator, Assistant Store Keeper
Skilled Workers: –Electrician, Welder cum Fitter, Boiler Operator, Pellet Mill Operator, Bagging Supervisor, Store Keeper, Driver, Junior Production Supervisor, Lab Technician, Office Assistant, Marketing Assistant
Highly Skilled Workers:-Production Supervisor, Dispatch Supervisor, Accountant, PLC Operator, Extruder Operator

(3) The minimum rates of wages correspond to the half-yearly average of Consumer Price Index Number of Industrial Workers for Kolkata Centre (CPI-IW), Base 2001=100 from October, 2020 to March, 2021 is 310. This point will be considered as fixation point;

(4) The Minimum rates of Wages shall be adjusted half-yearly both upward and downward and be paid from 1st January and from 1st July of each year on the basis of half yearly average Consumer Price Index Number for the period from April to September and October to March respectively. For this purpose, the Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial worker of Kolkata Centre (base 2001 = 100) should be taken;

(5) Adjustment of minimum rates of wages for the purpose of neutralization per point per month will be as shown below:-

Category of EmployeesRate of Neutralization for the State of West Bengal
Semi- Skilled31.56
Highly Skilled38.19

The rate of neutralization have been arrived at by dividing the minimum wages proposed for different categories of employees by the fixation point as noted in serial no. (3) above. This has been done as per practice followed by the Central Government and at present is being followed by the State Government while calculating minimum rates of wages for all the scheduled employments. The final calculation of minimum rates of wages will be arrived at after rounding off to nearest rupee;

(6) There will be no adjustment of Minimum rates of wages below the fixation point;

(7) To arrive at daily rates, monthly rates will have to be divided by 26 and to be rounded off to the nearest rupee, to arrive at weekly rates, daily rates will have to be multiplied by 6;

(8) A normal working day shall consist of eight and half hours of work including an interval of half an hour for rest;

(9) One day in any period of seven days as may suit the local convenience shall be the day of weekly rest;

(10) The Minimum rates of Wages include the wages for weekly day of rest. Payment for work done on the day of weekly rest and for work done beyond the normal working hours shall be double the ordinary rate of wages;

(11) Where the existing rates of wages of any employee based on contract or agreement or otherwise are higher than the rates notified herein, the higher rates shall be protected;

(12) The Minimum rates of wages are applicable to employees employed by contractors also;

(13) The Minimum rates of wages for disabled persons shall be same as payable to the workers of appropriate category;

(14) The men and women employees shall get the same rates of wages for the same work or work of similar nature;

(15) The Minimum rates of Wages and Variable Dearness Allowance, if any, both constitute the minimum rates of wages to be enforceable under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (11 of 1948).

By order of the Governor,

Sr. Law Officer & ex-officio Assistant Secretary (Law)
to the Government of West Bengal

No. Labr-158 dated 17.03.2022, Source