
Recruitments not by West Bengal Staff Selection Commission

PAR, Staff Selection Commission,

West Bengal Staff Selection Commission would make recruitment to all Group-B and Group-C posts except Group-B posts which are recruited through the Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination by Public Service Commission, West Bengal;

Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms

No. 1520-PAR (Genl.) Dated, Kolkata, the 3rd September, 2012


In terms of section 6(1) of the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission Act, 2011, the Governor is pleased to order that the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission would make recruitment to all Group-B and Group-C posts excepting the following categories:

(i) Group-B posts which are recruited through the Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination by Public Service Commission, West Bengal;

(ii) Posts of Lower Division Assistant/ Clerk in the Secretariat, Directorates and certain other offices i.e. Office of the Superintendent, Government Printing, D.G. Transportation, Chief Inspector of Smoke Nuisances, Commissioner for Workman’s Compensation, Industrial Tribunal, Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office – which are recruited through Public Service Commission, West Bengal;

(iii) Stenographers recruited through Stenographers’ Recruitment Examination conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal;

(iv) Certain others posts which are recruited through the Public Service Commission, West Bengal according to the recruitment rules framed or amended prior to coming into force of the West Bengal Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulation, 2008; and

(v) Posts for which recruitment is to be made by West Bengal Police Recruitment Board; Kolkata Police Recruitment Board and West Bengal Health Recruitment Board.

By Order of the Governor

Sd/- I. Pandey
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 1520-PAR dated 03.09.2012