For Transfer of Provident Fund money due to Transfer of Aided Secondary Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs, the Administrator of School PF Deposit Account (D.I or A.I of District/Sub-Division) shall submit advice along with TR-7A Challan duly signed at the Treasury in which he/ she is attached.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2978-F(Y) Date: 27.05.2019
Sub: Modalities of Inter-Treasury Transfer of Provident Fund of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs of Aided Secondary Schools
This Department vide G.O No. 338-F(Y) dated 18.01.2018 introduced the Inter-Treasury Transfer of fund between the Treasuries out of Public Deposit Account or from the Consolidated Fund of the State by the Administrators of LF/PL/PF/Other Deposit Accounts or by the DDOs of the State.
2. Now after successful implementation and roll out of the Inter-Treasury Transfer of fund facility into LF/PL/PF/Other Deposit Account, the Governor is pleased to extend the said functionality for remittance of School PF money from one Treasury to another under the same modalities as contained in the G.O No. 338-F(Y) dated- 18.01.2018. This will facilitate transfer of Provident Fund money standing at the credit of the Secondary Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs into the Provident Fund Deposit account of the D.I/A.I of School (S.E) on real-time basis substituting the necessity of issuance of cheque and subsequent deposit of the same into the treasury linked bank. The modalities of such operations shall be as follows:
a) For Transfer of Provident Fund money due to Transfer of Aided Secondary Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs, the Administrator of School PF Deposit Account (D.I or A.I of District/Sub-Division) shall submit advice along with TR-7A Challan duly signed at the Treasury in which he/ she is attached.
b) After processing of the advice by the Treasury, the intended School PF Deposit Account maintained at destination Treasury shall be credited immediately.
c) Other provisions as applicable for authorising advice out of Public Deposit Accounts shall remain unchanged.
d) On credit of the School PF money, the concerned D.I/A.I of School, as the case may be shall update the individual PF Register of the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff maintained at his/her end.
e) In case of transfer from one School to another within the jurisdiction of the same A.I/D.I of Schools, the abovementioned process of transfer shall be followed without issuance of cheques.
3. Accounting and other modalities as contained in the G.O No. 338-F(Y) dated- 18.01.2018 shall remain unchanged.
4. This Order is issued in suppression of all previous orders issued regarding remittance of School PF money through Cheques consequent upon their Transfer.
5. The user manual of the functionality of Inter-Treasury Transfer of Fund into School PF Deposit Account in IFMS is available under the ‘Guideline‘ tab in IFMS Portal (
6. Necessary amendments in West Bengal Treasury Rule shall be made in due course.
7. This Order is issued with immediate effect.
Sd/- P.A. Siddiqui
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal