Labour, Recruitment đī¸ 9601
Model 100-Point Roster showing the points reserved for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Persons With Disabilities, Ex-servicemen and the Exempted Categories.
Government of West Bengal
Labour Department
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-1
No. 50-Emp/1M-25/98 Dated, Kolkata, the 1st March, 2011.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14, read with Sub-section (b) of Section 3 and Section 13 of the West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment in State Government Establishments and Establishments of Public Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Government Companies and Local Authorities Act, 1999 (West Bengal Act XIV of 1999) and with due regard to the 100-Point Roster introduced by the Backward Classes Welfare Department, vide Notification No. 6320-BCW/MR-84/10 dated 24-09-2010 in compliance with the provision of the West Bengal Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of Vacancies in Services and Posts) Act, 1976 (West Bengal Act XXVII of 1976) and West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 (West Bengal Act I of 1993), the Governor is pleased to prescribe following Model 100-Point Roster showing therein the points reserved for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes – Category-A and Category-B, Persons With Disabilities, Ex-servicemen and the Exempted Categories for the guidance of the appointing authorities:-
MODEL 100-Point Roster of Vacancies
1st Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
2nd Vacancy | Unreserved |
3rd Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
4th Vacancy | Scheduled Tribe. |
5th Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
6th Vacancy | OBC Category-A |
7th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
8th Vacancy | Unreserved |
9th Vacancy | OBC Category-B |
10th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
11th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (Ex-Serviceman in Group-C Post) |
12th Vacancy | Unreserved (Persons With Disabilities) |
13th Vacancy | OBC Category-A (E.C.) |
14th Vacancy | Unreserved |
15th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
16th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
17th Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
18th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
19th Vacancy | OBC Category-B (E.C.) |
20th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
21st Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
22nd Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-C Post) |
23rd Vacancy | Unreserved |
24th Vacancy | Scheduled Tribe |
25th Vacancy | Unreserved |
26th Vacancy | OBC Category-A |
27th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
28th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
29th Vacancy | OBC Category-B |
30th Vacancy | Unreserved |
31st Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
32nd Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
33rd Vacancy | Unreserved (Meritorious Sports person) |
34th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
35th Vacancy | Unreserved |
36th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
37th Vacancy | Unreserved |
38th Vacancy | OBC Category-A |
39th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
40th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
41st Vacancy | Unreserved |
42nd Vacancy | Unreserved (Persons With Disabilities) |
43rd Vacancy | Scheduled Tribe (E.C.) |
44th Vacancy | Unreseived |
45th Vacancy | OBC Category-A(E.C.) |
46th Vacancy | Unreserved |
47th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
48th Vacancy | Unreserved |
49th Vacancy | OBC Category-B (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
50th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
51st Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
52nd Vacancy | OBC Category-A |
53rd Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
54th Vacancy | Scheduled Tribe (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
55th Vacancy | Unreserved |
56th Vacancy | Unreserved |
57th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
58th Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-C Post) |
59th Vacancy | OBC Category-B |
60th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
61st Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
62nd Vacancy | Unreserved |
63rd Vacancy | OBC Category-A (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
64th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
65th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
66th Vacancy | Unreserved (Meritorious Sportsperson) |
67th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
68th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
69th Vacancy | OBC Category-B (E.C.) |
70th Vacancy | Unreserved |
71st Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
72nd Vacancy | Unreserved (Persons With Disabilities) |
73rd Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
74th Vacancy | Scheduled Tribe |
75th Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-C Post) |
76th Vacancy | OBC Category-A(E.C.) |
77th Vacancy | Unreserved |
78th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
79th Vacancy | Unreserved |
80th Vacancy | Unreserved |
81st Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-C Post) |
82nd Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
83rd Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
84th Vacancy | OBC Category-A |
85th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
86th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
87th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
88th Vacancy | Unreserved |
89th Vacancy | OBC Category-B |
90th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste |
91st Vacancy | Unreserved |
92nd Vacancy | Unreserved |
93rd Vacancy | Scheduled Tribe (E.C.) |
94th Vacancy | Unreserved (Ex-Serviceman in Group-D Post) |
95th Vacancy | Unreserved |
96th Vacancy | Unreserved |
97th Vacancy | Scheduled Caste (E.C.) |
98th Vacancy | Unreserved |
99th Vacancy | OBC Category-A |
100th Vacancy | Unreserved (E.C.) |
(E.C. means Exempted Categories)
2. The Governor is also pleased to direct that the reservation for Persons With Disabilities, as provided under the Persons With Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 shall be implemented as follows
Each of the 3 (three) Points (12th, 42nd and 72nd) of the 100-Point Roster, reserved for the Persons With Disabilities shall be filled up by persons suffering from (i) Blindness or Low vision, (ii) Hearing impairment and (iii) Loco-motor disability or Cerebral Palsy – respectively in order to ensure 1% (one percent) reservation for each of the three categories of Persons With Disabilities.
3. The Governor is further pleased to direct that (a) vacancies in Group ‘C’ Post at 11th, 22nd, 58th, 75th and 81st points and (b) vacancies in Group-D Post at 5th, 17th, 21st, 31st, 49th, 54th, 63rd, 71st, 83rd, and 94th points of the above 100-Point Roster in State Services and Posts, Group-C and Group-D including those filled up through the P.S.C., West Bengal shall be filled up ex-serviceman subject to the provisions of Rule-4 of the ‘Ex-Servicemen (Reservation of vacancies in State Services and Posts, Group-C and Group-D) Rules, 1982’ as published vide Finance Department Notification No. 6249-F dated 15-06-1982.
4. The Governor is further pleased to direct that the vacancies in Group ‘B’, ‘C and ‘D’ posts, at 33rd and 66th points of the above 100 point Roster shall be filled up from the meritorious sports persons according to the provisions of this Department Notification Number 49-EMP/1M-25/98 dated 1st March, 2011.
5. In terms of the B.C.W., Department’s Notification No. 6309-BCW/MR-84/10 dated 24-09-2010, the Backward Classes, for the purpose of the ‘West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993’ (West Bengal Act 1 of 1993) stand divided into two categories, viz. Category-A (consisting of 56 communities) and Category-B (consisting of 52 communities).
6. All appointing authorities should obtain names from Exempted Category Cell under the Directorate of Employment, West Bengal, to fill up the vacancies meant for Exempted Category Candidates in the above roster except the cases of Employment on compassionate ground, viz. death-in-harness and premature retirement due to permanent incapacitation.
7. The relevant Notifications issued by the Finance Department relaxing upper age limits for SC, ST, Other Backward Classes Category-A and Category-B, Persons With Disabilities, Ex-Servicemen and Exempted Category Candidates may be kept in view while taking steps for filling up vacancies meant for the respective categories.
8. As no curtailment of existing percentage of reservation for SC, ST and OBC-Category-A and Category-B can be made, the reserved points for SC (E.C.), ST (E.G.), OBC Category-A (E.C.) and OBC Category-B (B.C..) shall be filled up by the Exempted Category Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC Category-A/ Category-B only. In case of non-availability of a suitable Exempted Category Candidate belonging to SC, ST or OBC Category-A and Category-B for any of such reserved point, the said vacancy shall be filled up by a non-Exempted Category Candidate belonging to SC, ST or OBC Category-A and Category-B as the case may be.
9. a) This order issues in partial modification of this Department Notification No. 240-Emp dated 02-08-2001 to the extent it is considered necessary for implementation of the 10% and 7% reservation quota for Backward Classes under Category-A and Category-B as laid down in BCW Department Order No. 6320-BCW/MR-84/10 dated 24-09-2010 and also for streamlining the process of 5% and 10% reservation of vacancies in Group-C and Group-D Post respectively in State Services and Posts, Group-C and Group-D as laid down in the ‘Ex-Servicemen (Reservation of vacancies in the State Services and Posts, Group-C and Group-D) Rules 1982’.
b) All appropriate authorities of the Government, including Home Department, B.C.W, Department, Finance Department, Department of Sports and P.S.C., West Bengal have been consulted on respective issues concerning them.
By Order of the Governor
Sd/- Samar Ghosh
Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal