School Education, National ICT Award , RMSA
The Award proposes to felicitate those teachers who have contributed in enhancing student learning by effectively and innovatively integrating technology supported learning into the schools curriculam.
Govt. of West Bengal
Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91
Memo no: 62/ES/O/PM&PI/ICT-01/2013/ Dt: 26/04/2016
The District Project Officer
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
Bankura/ Birbhum/ Burdwan/ CoochBehar/ Dakshin Dinajpur/ Hooghly/ Howrah/ Kolkata/ Jalpaiguri & Alipurduar/ Malda/ Murshidabad/ North 24 Pargana/ Nadia/ Paschim Medinipur/ Purba Medinipur/ Purulia/ South 24 Pargana/ Siliguri/ UttarDinajpur/ GTA
Sub: National Award for School Teachers for use of ICT in Education 2016 under MHRD
Ref: Letter No F.11-3/2016-Sch-5 Dated 17th February 2016 of Director (RMSA I & II), MHRD, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
With reference to the above mentioned subject, this is to inform you, under the Information and Communication Technology in School (ICT in Schools) component of RMSA, there is a provision to select the Teachers using ICT for Innovation in Education across the Country for National ICT Award.
The Award proposes to felicitate those teachers who have contributed in enhancing student learning by effectively and innovatively integrating technology supported learning into the schools curriculam and subject teaching and thereby promote enquiry based cooperative and collaborative learning using ICT. The Teachers of Secondary & Higher Secondary Schools under ICT @School Project in the Districts are eligible to be nominated.
The Last date for submission by DPO/Schools of detailed entries to State Project Office, RMSA by 30th May 2016 and National ICT Award for School Teachers Award Function will be held 5th September 2016 at New Delhi.
The Schools will send details entries of the nominated Teachers in the prescribed format along with supporting documents to the RMSA, School Education Department through District Project Officer. The State Level Committee headed by the Principal Secretary & SPD -RMSA will scrutinize all the entries and shortlist the candidate and forward the same to the Jt Director, Central Institute of Educational Technology(CIET),NCERT, New Delhi.
The Guidelines for submission of nomination/entry for the National ICT Award for Teachers 2016 are:
1) A Teacher Portfolio should be submitted along with the Entry Form
2) The Portfolio should include the teacher’s awareness and use of ICT in his/her own professional development, in improving his/her teaching – learning and in enhancing overall quality of education in schools and community.
3)The portfolio should document sustained systematic work using ICT over the years
4) The portfolio should include relevant supporting documents, tools, reports of activities, field visits, photographs, audios or videos.
5) E contents listed in the portfolio (Audios, Videos, Multimedia, Charts, Maps, Models lesson plans & images) should be uploaded/shared online
In this regard, you are requested to disseminate the message of National ICT Award Program among all Govt., Govt. Sponsored and Aided Schools in your District for sending the nomination within the stipulated time in the prescribed format of MHRD ( as enclosed).
Encl: As Stated
Yours faithfully,
State Project Director