School Education, Incentive Scheme , Scholarship
As per norms of National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education, beneficiary girls will have to pass class-X examination and attain 18 years of age to get the incentive money.
Directorate of School Education
Bikash Bhawan, 7th Floor
Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091
Memo No. 253(13)/Exam/Part 112-Exam/4/2011 Date: 17.02.2014
From: The Commissioner of School Education,
West Bengal.
To: The District Inspector of Schools (S.E.), ________
P.O. _______________ Dist. ______________
Sub: In the matter of “National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education” of the year 2011-12.
Ref: MHRD, Govt. of India Memo No. F.7-1/2013-SS, dated: 16.07.2013.
With reference to the subject mentioned above, the undersigned is to state that the information/data of the eligible Girl students of the academic year 2011-12 sent by him/her to this office in proformas – I, II, III were sent to MHRD, GOI in consolidated form for sanction and release of fund for payment of incentive to the beneficiary Girls under the scheme. Accordingly, Govt. of India has sanctioned/ released the fund for payment of Incentive to 12,503 girls in total for the state in the year 2011-12.
As per norms of the scheme, beneficiary girls will have to pass class-X examination and attain 18 years of age to get the incentive money. The beneficiaries of the year 2011-12 may have passed class-X and attained the age of 18 years and become eligible for maturity payments.
Now MHRD, GOI under the above reference has asked for furnishing information/ data of the girl students of the year 2011-12 who fulfil the conditions in the prescribed proforma (copy enclosed) in the form of hard and soft copy to be sent to the Ministry and to be mailed to the Canara Bank, New Delhi, Nodal Bank of the Scheme for transfer of the incentive amount to the individual accounts on maturity.
Therefore, he/she is requested to ascertain from the heads of the concerned institutions which applicant Girls of class-IX of the year 2011-12 have passed Madhyamik Pariksha and send their information in the prescribed proforma (copy enclosed) in soft and hard copies by 25th February, 2014 positively with a certificate in the body of the report that “All the listed beneficiary Girls of class IX of the academic year 2011-12 have passed M.P. or equivalent examination”.
This should be treated as extremely urgent.
Sd/- Commissioner of School Education