Government of West Bengal
Finance (Revenue) Department
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-7000 001.
Memo. No. 855-FT/FT/O/1P-13/13 ST, Dated: 21.06.2013
Whereas, it has come to the notice of the Finance Department that some departments are facing difficulties in respect of promotion of their officers to higher scale in terms of this dept memo no. 3101-F (P), dated 17/04/2013 since the weighted mean calculated on the basis of 4 types of rating in case of old format and 5 types of rating in the new format, deprives many deserving officers to be eligible for promotion.
And, whereas, PAR Department by its order no. 1293-PAR (WBCS)/1D-78/2013, dated 15/05/2013, rationalised the average APR rating of WBCS (Exe.) officers, for appointment to different scales with the approval of Selection Committee, consisting of Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary/Secretary, Home Department and Principal Secretary/Secretary of P&AR Department.
Now, therefore for the sake of uniformity, the Governor is pleased to partially modify Memo. No. 3101-F(P), dated 17/04/2013 for the purpose of movement to prerevised scale no. 19, as under:
Types of APRs | Minimum Eligibility Rating Norm. |
All Old | 1.95 |
1 New + 4 Old | 2.08 |
2 New + 3 Old | 2.21 |
3 New+ 2 Old | 2.34 |
4 New + 1 Old | 2.47 |
5 New | 2.60 |
The above rating norms will take immediate effect.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal