
Implementation of New Sports Policy, 2015

Higher Education, 👁️ 226

A suitable relaxation in total marks will be given for State-level position holders and national-level participants, for admission in undergraduate and postgraduate level for inspiration.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
College Sponsored Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91

No. 578-Edn(CS)/4C-56/15 Dated, Kolkata, the 26th June 2015

From: Smt. Madhumita Ray, IAS
Additional Secretary,
Govt. of West Bengal

To: The Director of Public Instruction,
West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan,
6th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

Sub: Implementation of New Sports Policy, 2015

The undersigned is directed to state that the cabinet in its 83rd Meeting held on 26.05.2015 has approved the New Sports Policy, 2015. In order to achieve the policy objectives set forth in the New Sports Policy, 2015, the following initiatives need to be taken for implementation of the said policy:

a) As per Para 4.6, “A suitable relaxation in total marks will be given for State-level position holders and national-level participants, for admission in undergraduate and postgraduate level for inspiration”,

b) As per Para 4.7, “Relaxation in percentage of attendance for appearing in the final examination will be allowed by the Higher Education Department for sports persons participating in District/State /National-level games and tournaments”.

The undersigned is further directed to request that all the Universities and Colleges be informed for taking necessary action and implementation of the above mentioned Policy from the ensuing academic session.

Encl: Para 4.6 & 4.7 of New Sports Policy, 2015

Sd/- Madhumita Ray
Additional Secretary

Department of Sports
Government of West Bengal

Sub.: New Sports Policy, 2015 and its implementation by the Higher Education Department.

1. The Cabinet it its 83rd Meeting held on 26.05.2015 has approved the new Sports Policy, 2015.

2. In order to achieve the policy objectives set forth in the new Sports Policy, 2015 the following initiatives need to be taken by the Higher Education Department for implementation of the said policy :

(a) As per Para 4.6, “A suitable relaxation in total marks will be given for state level position holders and national level participants for admission in undergraduate and postgraduate level for inspiration”;

(b) As per Para 4.7, “Relaxation in percentage of attendance for appearing in the final examination will be allowed by the Higher Education Department for Sports persons participating in District/State/National level games and tournaments.

3. It is proposed that the Higher Education Department may kindly issue suitable Notification/ Instructions to implement the aforesaid Policy objectives as approved in the New Sports Policy, 2015.

Sd/- Rajesh Pandey

No. 578-Edn dated 26.06.2015

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