
District and Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports Regulations, 2013

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To provide for the regulation, control and development of School Games and Sports, District and Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports Regulations, 2013.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department


No. 268-Phy.Edn./TS/Phy/11/07/11-12/SSC(Pt.3) Dated: 16.08.2013

Whereas it is expedient to provide for the regulation, control and development of School Games and Sports:

And whereas for the purpose District Level and Sub-Divisional level Councils are to be formed;

Now, therefore, in supersession of all previous orders governing the Councils/ Associations/ Committees, by whatever names formed, at the District and Sub-Divisional Level for conduct of School Sports and Games, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following regulations:


1. Short title, extent and commencement

(1) These regulations may be called the District and Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports Regulations, 2013.

(2) These regulations shall extend to the whole of the State, and the Govt. may exclude any district by order, if necessary for the time being.

(3) The regulations shall come into force from such date as the Government may notify.

2. Power to amend the Regulations

(1) The State Government may modify or repeal these regulations as and when necessary by issuing Government Orders.

3. Definition

In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires :-

(1) “District” – means a revenue district and Siliguri Education District which shall also mean a district for the purposes of these Regulations.

(2) “District Council” – means District Council for School Games and Sports.

(3) “Government” – means the Government of West Bengal in the School Education Department.

(4) “School”- means a school recognized by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, Central Board of Secondary Education and Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.

(5) “State Council” – means the West Bengal State Council for School Games and Sports as constituted from time to time.

(6) “Student” – means regular students of schools as recognized by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, Central Board of Secondary Education and Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.

(7) “Sub-Divisional Council” – means Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports.

4. The establishment and constitution of the District Council for School Games and Sports

(1) It shall be a body constituted from time to time at the district level and under the Government and West Bengal State Council for School Games and Sports.

(2) Each District Council shall consist of the following persons as office bearers and members

Sl. No.PostNumberDescription
1President1 (One)1. (a) District Magistrate of the District.
(b) For Kolkata District Councils – Commissioner, Kolkata Mpl Corpn.
(c) For G.T.A., Darjeeling only- Principal Secretary of G.T.A.
(d) For Siliguri Education District only –
Additional Executive Officer, Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad
2Executive Vice President1 (One)To be nominated by the West Bengal State Council for School Games and Sports from amongst the persons having experience in school education and sports.
1 ( One)Ex-officio District Officer for Physical Education and Youth Welfare
4General Secretary1 (One)Assistant Master/ Assistant Mistress /Assistant Teacher (in – service) in Physical Education to be selected by the President.
5Jt. Secretary2 (two)Assistant Master/Assistant Mistress/Assistant Teacher (in – service) in Physical Education to be selected by the President.
7Assistant Secretaries4 (four)Assistant Master/Assistant Mistress/Assistant Teacher (in- service) in Physical Education to be selected by the President
8Executive Members (a) Ex-Officio Members :-
i) Chairman, District Primary School Council/Kolkata Primary School Council/Dist. School Board, as the case may be
ii) District Youth Officer
iii) Karmadhakhya, Siksha-o-Krira Sthayee Samity of Z.P./ M.P. as the case may be
iv) District Mass Education Extension Officer.
v) District Inspector of Schools (S.E.)
vi) District Inspector of Schools (P.E.)
vii) District Project Officer, S.S.A. and
viii) District Organiser of Physical Education
(b) Other than Kolkata, G.T.A. & Siliguri
i) Co-ordinator of Nehru Yuba Kendra,
ii) Secretary, District Sports Association and
iii) Secretaries of all Sub-Divisional Councils for School Games and Sports shall be the Ex-Officio Members.
(c) For Kolkata District Councils
i) Co-ordinator of Nehru Yuba Kendra, Kolkata,
ii) Secretary of East Kolkata Sports Development Council,
iii) Secretary of South Kolkata Sports Development Council and
iv) Secretary of District Sports Association of North Kolkata.
(d) For G.T.A., Darjeeling :-
An official of G.T.A. nominated by the Secretary, Education.
(e) For Siliguri Education District:
An official nominated by Secretary, Dist. Sports Association.
(f) Nominated Members
To be selected by the District Council by a resolution in the second meeting of the term
i) One Headmaster of a secondary school,
ii) One Headmistress of a secondary school,
iii) One Principal of CBSE/ICSE school,
iv) One A.I. of Schools (S.E.) & one S.I. of Schools (P.E.) to be nominated by the D.l. of Schools (S.E.) and D.l. of Schools (P.E.) respectively.
v) (10) Ten Asst. Masters/ Mistresses/ Teachers in Physical Education to be nominated by the President.

(3) In the first meeting of the District Council Executive Vice President and ex-officio members will prepare a list of remaining office bearers and members to be nominated in the District Council (category-f) for consideration of the President.

5. The Headquarters of the District Council shall be the Headquarters of the administrative/education district concerned.

6. The calendar year and the financial year as observed in the State of West Bengal shall be applicable for all its business in the regulations.

7. The term of the District Council shall be of three (3) years.

8. If any vacancy of nominated members arise for any reason during the period of three years’ term of the District Council, the President of the District Council take necessary steps to fill up the resultant vacancy for the remaining period of the term.

9. A nominated member of the State Council or District Council or the Sub-Divisional Council shall not hold office simultaneously in more than one Council as under these regulations.

10. The District Council may invite persons to remain present in a particular meeting but may not induct them in the council.


(1) To undertake actions according to the policy and programme of the Government.

(2) To prepare development plans for students in sports and games.

(3) To arrange programmes related to welfare activities for students in sports and games.

(4) To constitute small working groups (programme, finance etc.), if necessary.

(5) To arrange and hold competitions in various sports disciplines, coaching camps for school students or as may be directed by the Government/State Council including to organize State School Games, National School Games and other tournaments, if allotted.

(6) To select school team(s) through competitions and send the same parties patron in State Level Competitions as per the programmes of the State Council

(7) To receive financial aid from the Government and other sources with the full knowledge of the State Council and the Government for school games and sports and students welfare activities to oversee the functions of its Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports.

(8) To furnish activity reports, statement of receipt and expenditure of funds, utilization certificates thereof, and other supporting documents in relation to the activities of the District Council, as may be directed by the Government or the State Council from time to time.

(9) To constitute working groups from amongst the members of the District Council to carry out smoothly the duties and responsibilities given to it which may include Programme Sub Committee, Finance Sub Committee etc.

(10) To approve a committee temporarily for the purpose of these regulations for working at the Sub-Divisional Level for conduct of sports and games under the Sub-Divisional Council for School Games and Sports.

(11) To oversee and supervise the functions of the Sub-Divisional Councils for School Games & Sports.

(12) To offer suggestions to the State Government through the State Council with regard to school sports and games and other students welfare activities for the purpose of these regulations.

(13) To strengthen liaison between various Governments and non-Government recognized organizations in relation to the smooth functioning of the District Council and in carrying out its activities.

(14) To carry out such other responsibilities assigned to the District Council for School Games and Sports by the Government from time to time.

12. Membership

District Councils are the associated members of the State Council. Such District Councils shall be represented by its Convener (District Officer for Phy. Edn. & Youth Welfare) and the General Secretary.

13. Fund

(i) Financial transactions of the District Councils shall be conducted by means of banking accounts. District Councils in its first meeting will pass a resolution for opening of a bank account with any Govt. Sector Bank in the name of “DISTRICT COUNCIL FOR SCHOOL GAMES & SPORTS…………………. DISTRICT “.

(ii) Cheque Signing Authority: Convener-cum-Treasurer (DOPE & YW) and either of the two of the following: President (District Magistrate) & Hony. General Secretary of the Dist. Council.

(iii) Assets and liabilities, including the account maintained with any bank or post office with all its cash as well as cash in hand of such organization having “similar objectives” and funded in any occasion by the State Council etc. out of the grants received from the School Education Department, West Bengal shall be transferred to the present District Council and shall be consolidated with its assets and liabilities for accounting, reporting or any other purpose.

(iv) Dist. Inspector of Schools (S.E.), in consultation with Dist. Officer for Phy. Edn. & Youth Welfare shall complete the process of transfer of such assets & liabilities etc. and furnish a detailed report thereof to the President of the Dist. Council (Dist. Magistrate/Commissioner, Kolkata Municipal Corporation/Principal Secretary, G.T.A., Darjeeling/ Additional Executive Officer, Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad, as the case may be).

(v) The School Education Department, W.B. will contribute to the fund of the District Councils directly or through its State Council. Grants shall be exclusively used for normal functioning of the District Council for School Games and Sports.

14. Annual General Meeting of the District Council shall be held once in every financial year. The Convener of the District Council may call general meeting as and when necessary under orders of the President. The District Council shall ordinarily meet after every three months.

15. Quorum of the meeting

For annual general meeting/general meeting 50% of the total members are present.

16. Management

Regular business of the District Council shall be carried out as per the directions of the President of the District Council.

17. Audit

Audit of accounts shall be made by a qualified Auditor approved by the District Council and that shall be subject to audit by the internal auditing by the Finance Department, Government of West Bengal and Accountant General, West Bengal.

18. Dissolution of the District Council

The Government may, by order, dissolve the Councils under these regulations as it may deem necessary.


The Sub-Divisional Council shall consist of the following members:-

1. President1. Sub-Divisional Officer (S.D.O)
2. Working President (1)2. One Deputy Magistrate & Deputy Collector (nominated by S.D.O.)
3. Vice-President (4)3. (i) Asst. Inspector of Schools (SE) of the Sub- Division (ex-officio),
(ii) Sub-Divisional Youth Officer (ex-officio),
(iii) One Headmaster/ Headmistress of Secondary School of the Sub-Division, and
(iv) one Head-teacher of a recognized primary school –
to be selected by President.
4. Secretary (1)4. Assistant Master/Assistant Mistress/Assistant Teacher in Physical Education (in-service) of a school selected by the President.
5. Joint Secretaries (2)5. Assistant Masters/Assistant Mistresses/Assistant Teachers in Physical Education (in-service) of a school selected by the President.
6. Assistant Secretaries (2)6. Assistant Masters/Assistant Mistresses/Assistant Teachers in Physical Education (in-service) of a school selected by the President.
7. Treasurer (1)7. Assistant Master/Assistant Mistress/Assistant Teacher in Physical Education (in-service) of a school selected by the President.
8. Executive Members8. Two Headmasters & two Headmistresses of secondary schools and seven (7) Physical Education Teachers to be selected by the President.

20. In the first meeting of the sub-divisional council ex-officio members of the said council, in consultation with a representative of the District Council shall prepare a list of remaining office bearers and members to be nominated in the sub-divisional council for consideration of the President of the sub-divisional council.

21. Membership

Sub-Divisional Councils shall be the affiliated members of District Council.

22. Fund

(1) The fund of the Sub-Divisional Council be raised from Government grants, grants from aided institutions, registration fees and any other sources in accordance with law. Such fund shall be utilized for the purpose of Sub-Divisional Council for School Games & Sports. For any other matters provisions as laid down in respect of District Council (clause-13) shall be followed.

(2) Cheque Signing Authority: Working President and any one of the Secretary & Treasurer to be decided in the first meeting by the President of the Sub-divisional Council.

23. Quorum

50% members shall form a quorum.

24. Audit

In the same manner as in the case of District Council.

25. Dissolution

The Sub-Divisional Council may be dissolved by the Government any time as the Government may deem fit.


(i) To receive financial aids from Government, Government aided institutions and District Council.

(ii) To constitute small working groups (programme, finance etc.), if necessary.

(iii) To suggest the District Council in any matter from time to time. To carry out responsibilities assigned to the Sub-Divisional Council by the State Council, District Council or the Government from time to time.

(iv) The Headquarters of the Sub-Divisional Council shall be the Headquarters of the Sub-Division.

(v) The official year of the Sub-Divisional Office shall be the calendar year and also the financial year of the State of West Bengal.

(vi) The Term of Sub-Divisional Council shall be of 3 (three) years.

27. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these Regulations, or a question arises at any stages, the matter may be referred to the Government, and the Government may issue orders and the decision of the Government shall be the final.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Arnab Roy
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
School Education Department

No. 268-Phy.Edn dated 16.08.2013