
No Dues Certificate (Land Revenue) for Finally Published Mouzas

Land Reforms, 👁ī¸ 369

Time limit for disposal by the Reviewing Officer – 15 days for No Dues Certificate (Land Revenue) for all the finally published mouzas.

LR-18099/18/2022-EGOV SEC-Dept. of LR
Government of West Bengal
Department of Land & Land Reforms and Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation
e-(Gov.) Branch
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711 102.

No. 3775/LR-18099/18/2022-EGOV Date: 30.08.2022


Whereas an online system for obtaining “No Dues Certificate (Land Revenue)” has been made operational with effect from 1st August, 2022.

And whereas “No Dues Certificate (Land Revenue)” is generated real time from the online system.

Now, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (2) of section 3 of the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013 (West Bengal Act XVII of 2013), the Governor is pleased to notify the service along with the stipulated time limit for rendering the service, the Designated Officers responsible for providing the service, the Appellate Officer and the Reviewing Officer for ensuring delivery of service as follows:

Sl. No.ServiceDesignated OfficerStipulated time limit for providing serviceAppellate OfficerTime limit for disposal by the Appellate OfficerReviewing OfficerTime limit for disposal by the Reviewing Officer
1.“No Dues Certificate (Land Revenue)” for all the finally published mouzas.BL & LRO of the concerned Block.3 daysDL& LRO of the concerned District15 daysDLR & S, West Bengal15 Days

In supersession of the earlier Notification vide No. 3375-LP/18099/18/2022-EGOV SEC-Deptt. of LR dated 01.08.2022, this notification shall come into effect on the date of publication in the official Gazette.

By order of the Governor

LRC & Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 3775-LR dated 30.08.2022, Source

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