
Nodal Officer for e-Tender


Finance Department has made it mandatory from 01.07.2012 for all State Government Departments and their subordinate Offices to publish their Tender on the centralized e-Tender Portal if the Tender Value is Rs. 50 lakh or more.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4109-F(Y), Dated: 17.05.2012.


This Department vide Notification No. 3739-F(Y) dated 03.05.2012 has made it mandatory from 01.07.2012 for all State Government Departments and their subordinate Offices to publish their Tender on the centralized e-Tender Portal [http://wbtenders.gov.in] if the Tender Value is Rs. 50 lakh or more.

In order to facilitate implementation of e-Publication of Tender on the centralized e-Tender Portal by the Departments and to render necessary help and advice to the Departments in this regard, this Department has designated the following two officers to act as ‘Nodal Officer’:

1. Sri P. K. Pramanik, Sr. Technical Director, National Informatics Centre [NIC], West Bengal State Unit, Bidyut Bhaban [Gr. Fl.] Salt Lake [Contact No. 9432341691/ e-mail: <pk.pramanik@nic.in>]</pk.pramanik@nic.in>

2. Sri Goutam Chatterjee, Joint Director of Treasuries & Accounts, 4, Lyons Range, Kolkata-700001 [Contact No. 9433123844/ e-mail: <dta@wb.gov.in>].</dta@wb.gov.in>

Sd/- Swapan Kumar Paul
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4109-F dated 17.05.2012, Source