Finance, Deputation , NPS
Implementation of the New Pension Scheme for the Central Govt. employees (other than AIS Officers) and State Govt. employees of other States working on deputation to this Govt.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Memo No. 5332-F(Y) Dated, 5th October, 2016
Sub: Implementation of the New Pension Scheme for the Central Govt. employees (other than AIS Officers) and State Govt. employees of other States working on deputation to this Govt.
With a view to implementing the Government of India’s New Pension Scheme for the All India Services (AIS) Officers in the West Bengal Cadre who joined the All India Services on or after 01/01/2004, procedure of operationalising the NPS was prescribed in detail in this Deptt’s Notification No. 1069-F(Y), dt. 03/02/2012 as per guidelines contained in O.M.No. 5/7/2003-ECB & PR, dt. 22/12/2003 of Ministry’ of Finance, (Depth of Economic Affairs).
Of late, it has come to the notice of the Govt. that the Central Govt Employees other than AIS Officers and State Govt. Employees of other States working on deputation to this Govt. who were covered under NPS are facing difficulties in depositing their monthly contribution towards NPS.
It has also been learnt that a backlog of contributions both of the employees and the Govt. has become due from the month in which the Govt. servants had joined on deputation to this Govt.
In view of above, after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide that henceforth the New Pension Scheme as announced by the Govt. of India shall also be applicable to the aforesaid employees and the Director of Treasuries & Accounts shall continue to act as the State Nodal Officer (SNO) in implementing NPS.
In continuation of this Deptt.’s Notification ibid, the undersigned is further directed to state that the Governor is pleased to open the following Heads of Account for the NPS related transactions:
The undersigned is further directed by order of the Governor to say that the following provisions shall be added in para 13(c) & para 14(d) of the F.D.’s Notification No. 1069-F(Y), dt. 03/02/2012:
The Government contribution shall be drawn in the Transfer Credit Bill Form [T.R.Form No. 43] in anticipation of allotment-
(i) for Central Government Employees on deputation to the State – by debiting the head of account “2071-Pension Scheme-01-Civil-117-Contribution for Defined Contribution Pension Scheme-NP-002- Contribution of Government for NPS for Central Government Employees on deputation to the State-V-04-Pensionery Charges ” under Demand No,18-Departmental Code ‘FA’ and crediting to the head of account “8342-Other Deposits-00-117- Defined Contribution Pension Scheme-003- Contribution of Government for NPS under Tier-I for Central Government Employees on deputation to the Stated-Deposits” and
(ii) for Other State Government Employees on deputation to the State – by debiting the head of account “2071-Pension Scheme-01-Civil-117-Contribution for Defined Contribution Pension Scheme-NP-003- Contribution of Government for NFS for Other State Government Employees on deputation to the State -V-04-Pensionery Charges ” under Demand No. 18-Departmental Code ‘FA’ and crediting tn the head of account “8342-Other Deposits-00-117- Defined Contribution Pension Scheme-005- Contribution of Government for NPS under Tier-I for Other State Government Employees on deputation to the Stated-Deposits”.
The Bill Forms TR-71A & TR-71B which were introduced vide F.D.’s Notification No. 965-F(Y), dt. 18/02/2015 have been modified partially in order to incorporate the provisions for recovery of subscription and Government contribution for NPS under Tier-I for Central Government Employees on deputation to the State/ other State Government Employees on deputation to the State. The revised Forms are annexed to this notification.
Necessary provisions in HRMS, e-Billing & e-CTS modules under IFMS have already been made.
All other provisions laid down in F.D.’s Notification No. 1069-F(Y), dt. 03/02/2012 regarding modalities for implementation of the scheme will also be equally applicable to the Central Govt. (other than AIS Officers) and other State Govt. employees working on deputation in the Government of West Bengal.
This order shall take immediate effect.
The AG (A&E), WB is being informed.
Sd/- P.A. Siddiqui
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal