
Observation of World Population Day, 2012


Detailed micro-plan & Guidelines for organizing the World Population Fortnight 2012 and Population Stabilization Fortnight from 11.07.2012 to 24.07.2012 is enclosed herewith.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhavan (3rd Floor) A-Wing
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

Memo No.- H/SFWB/11M-03-2011/628(19), Dated: 18.06.2012

The Chief Medical Officer of Health ……………….
The D.F.W.O., Kolkata

Sub:- Observation of World Population Day on 11th July, 2012.

With reference to Dy Commissioner, F.P. Division, Ministry of Health & F.W. Govt. of India, it has been decided the World Population Day 2012 will be celebrated throughout the State at all Blocks and Districts level over a period of one month in two phase i.e.

i) Mobilization Fortnight from 27th June to 10th July, 2012
ii) Population Stabilization Fortnight from 11th July to 24th July, 2012 in order to generate awareness among the people on population stabilization issues and bring back the focus on Family Planning.

M.Ps, MLAs, Members of Panchyati Raj institutions and Urban Local bodies, Health Care Workers and Civil Society Members should be fully involved in various activities undertaken during this period.

The theme of the programme will be –

” Khushhali ka Aadhar: Chhota Parivar”

Detailed micro-plan & Guidelines for organizing the World Population Fortnight 2012 and Population Stabilization Fortnight [Service Delivery fortnight] from 11-07-2012 to 24-07-2012 is enclosed herewith. Details of the fund district-wise is enclosed herewith for proper utilization to make the whole programme success.

You are requested to convey to all concerned Officers to prepare the action plan (as per Guidelines) for organizing this programme smoothly and efficiently.

Sd/- Addl. Director of Health & State Family Welfare Officer
Government of West Bengal

Guidelines for Organizing World Population Day

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