Higher Education, Bridge Course đī¸ 593
NCTE approved B.Ed Colleges may make available their infrastructure for holding One year Bridge Course for 29,907 primary school teachers under the supervision of WBBPE.
Office of the Director of Public Instruction, W.B.
Higher Education Directorate, Bikash Bhavan, Kolkata-91
Memo No. ED-272, Date: 24.04.2013
From: Dr. D.R. Mandal, Director of Public Instruction W.B & Ex-Officio Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Principal /Officer in Charge /Teacher-in-Charge of all Government /Govt.-aided /Private /Self-financed B.Ed (Teachers’ Training) Colleges in the State of West Bengal.
Sub: Introduction of one year Bridge course through ODL mode by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE).
National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) vide its sanction No. 62-3/2011/NCTE/N&S dated 28.09.2012 has authorized the WBBPE to conduct training of primary school teachers by utilizing the infrastructure of the B.Ed colleges among other Institutions in the State. On the other hand Netaji Subhas Open University has already been authorized by the NCTE vide its sanction No. 48-18/2012/NCTE/N&S dated 19.03.2013 to train up 29,515 in-service untrained upper primary school teachers (Class V to VIII) by utilizing the infrastructure of 184 B.Ed Colleges on Sundays, holidays, during Summer Vacation of 2014 and the Puja vacations (October-November) of 2013-2014.
In pursuance of the Order No. 430 Edn(U)/1U-97/12 dated 22.04.2013 and the NCTE’S above mentioned sanction letters, in so far as the One year Bridge Course for 29,907 primary school teachers under the supervision of WBBPE is concerned, the NCTE approved B.Ed Colleges may make available their infrastructure for holding ODL workshops and Personal contact programmes on Saturdays and during the Summer Vacation of 2013, subject to the observance of the provisions of the extant Act, Rules, Regulations and norms of the NCTE/DEC or other Regulatory Authorities as may be applicable/ relevant.
Sd/- Director of Public Instruction W.B
& Ex-Officio Secretary to the Govt.of West Bengal