
Online Bill Submission by HCOs in West Bengal Health Portal


Introduction of online seeking/ grant of permission and preparation/ submission of online Bill by Health Care Organizations (HCOs) in West Bengal Health Portal.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No. 67-F(MED)WB Dated: 08/08/2018


Sub: Introduction of online seeking/ grant of permission and preparation/submission of online Bill by HCOs in West Bengal Health Portal

The West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 has been introduced vide Finance Department Notification 4476-F (MED) Dated 28/08/2014.

Presently the permission (if required) is sought and responded between the Empanelled Health Care Organisations (HCO) and Medical Cell through dedicated emails. For reimbursement of the cashless claims up to Rs. 1.00 Lakh, these HCOs are required to enter few basic details of the bills in the West Bengal Health Portal (WBHP) and submit physical copies of the bills along with other relevant documents to the Medical Cell, Finance Department.

The Medical Cell, Finance Department scrutinises the bills along with supporting documents for the payment. During the scrutiny detailed information like Permission (if required), Consumables, Medicines, Implants, Bed rents, Doctor Fees, Investigation reports, all relevant certificates, Discharge/ Death reports, Doctor’s opinion, etc. are being checked and verified by the Medical Cell.

If the bill/ claim is found satisfactory, payment up to Rs. 1.00 Lakh is released to HCOs by the DDO of Medical Cell, Finance Department. Cashless Admissible Reimbursement Certificate (CARC) is generated from Medical Cell for reimbursement of balance amount of treatment cost above Rs. 1.00 lakh to the concerned employees/ pensioner through concerned DDO.

Now to make process of payment of the Cashless treatment costs faster following facilities are being made online through West Bengal Health Portal –

i. seeking of permission by HCO
ii. grant of permission by Medical Cell
iii. preparation of day wise bill by HCOs
iv. submission of final bills by HCOs

Processing of these services shall be optional initially and would be made mandatory soon. All HCOs are directed to use these online services to the maximum possible extent.

The user manual is available in West Bengal Health Portal.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Addl. Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 67-F dated 08.08.2018, Source