
Online Form Fill-up for D.El.Ed. Part – I Exam, 2018

School Education,

Eligible continuing and unsuccessful candidates of 2 year D.El.Ed. Course are requested to fill up the online application form and submit/ upload the required information/ documents on payment of Rs. 600/- only online.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 3042/BPE/2018 Date: 07/12/2018


In continuation of our earlier Notifications No. 2946/BPE/2018 dated 29/11/2018, No. 3012/BPE/2018 dated 04/12/2018, all concerned are being informed hereby that the online application forms for continuing and unsuccessful candidates, including supplementary will be available on and from 10/12/2018 to 11/12/2018 in the following websites:

  1. www.wbbpe.org
  2. http//wbprimaryeducation.org

The eligible continuing and unsuccessful candidates of Two Year D. El. Ed. Course are requested to fill up the online application form and submit/upload the required information/ documents on payment of Rs. 600/- (rupees six hundred) only online. The procedures to be followed are:

a) Visit any of the two above stated websites

b) Click on the link

c) The page will appear

d) Put in your valid Registration Number

e) You will get the Application Form

f) Then follow the instruction given there

The concerned heads of the D. El. Ed. Institutions are also requested to verify the data/documents by entering into the institution login Id/password within 11/12/2018 positively in order to enable the Board to proceed further for smooth conduct of D. El. Ed. Part- II Examination to commence on and from 17/12/2018 as per the announced programme schedule, available in the aforementioned websites.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 3042-BPE dated 07.12.2018

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