West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Nivedita Bhavan, Block DJ-8, Sector-II, Kolkata – 700091
No. D.S.(E)/31/13, Date: 13.08.2013
The Heads of 93 Recognised X-class Institution
Selected for four optional elective subjects in West Bengal.
Sub: Introduction of four more optional elective subjects under NVEQF programme for Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2015 & onwards.
Sir/ Madam,
In reference to this office Memo No. N/S/195 dt. 14.02.13, I am to inform you that Hon’ble Administrator of the Board has been pleased to include four more optional elective subjects with existing 33 optional elective subjects under NVEQF programme recommended by the School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal from class-IX in 2013 academic session.
The subject symbols & code Nos. of these four optional elective subjects are given below:-
Sl. No. | Optional Elective Subjects | Subjects Symbols | Code No. |
1. | Retail Sector | RStr | 86 |
2. | Security Sector | SStr | 87 |
3. | Automobile Sector | AStr | 88 |
4. | IT/IT’es Sector | IT | 89 |
You are, therefore, requested to include the above mentioned four subjects as optional elective in the curriculum of class-IX in current academic session and mention the optional elective subject in space specified in Registration Forms.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Samir Kumar Saha
Deputy Secretary (Examination)